If you operate a minibus for any reason you are required by law to have a specialised minibus insurance policy
. Minibus insurance covers all forms of minibuses that carry anywhere between nine and sixteen passengers for any purpose. Its understandable that insurance premiums can be expensive however it important you have the adequate protection in place for you, your passengers and your business.
When looking to select a minibus insurance policy there is a vast range of coverage available that can protect you from a variety of problems that could occur. That is why it is important that you have a tailored minibus insurance policy that will meet your needs but not be overpriced. Many off the shelf minibus insurance policies will not provide enough cover to meet your needs or provide too much cover that is relevant to you or your minibus transport operations.
Depending on what your minibus is used for, you can tailor certain aspects of a policy directly to you. If you are a charity or non for profit organisation then your insurance needs may have differences to that of a regular business who operates a minibus for monetary rewards. When looking for minibus insurance it is often a good idea to use minibus insurance brokers that are specialist in that form of commercial insurance. As they have experience with providing a range of insurance policies for different customers such as schools, charities and businesses. They can understand what your business or organisations needs are and what you will need to be adequately covered for.
The more detailed aspects of cover within a minibus insurance policy should be taken into consideration; whilst it is easy to differentiate in price and type of a minibus insurance policy the finer benefits of cover are often forgotten about. Benefits such as free European travel cover or breakdown assistance may be a useful inclusion for some but irrelevant to others. If you need these extras take into consideration what it would cost to add these to a different policy however if you do not need the extras it can be a useful bargaining tool for removing them and lowering your premium.
Third party policies can be very cheap but it is important to realise the potential consequences of an accident, especially as legal cover is often not included. That is why a fully comprehensive minibus insurance policy is generally the best option. When applying for policy quotations It is useful to create a list of everything you do and do not require from your policy and work with that to try and get the best deal possible.