Pacific Integrity Insurance Group | piighawaii Scam!

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Pacific Integrity Insurance Group, a new Hawaii Local Insurance Company has job openings in Hawaii. The thing is the job interview is a scam for them to primarily sell you a book for $75.00 in order to proceed and work for the company.
I was surfing on craigslist and found a job opening for a marketing and sales position for Pacific Integrity Insurance Group. So I sent my resume to Pacific Integrity Insurance Group. A day later i recieved a call for a job interview. Great!
I already knew before i went to the Job interview that i will need to invest in a state insurance license if im going to be invovle with the marketing and sales of Pacific Integrity Insurance Group, which is totally fine with me. So I continued on to the Job Interview.
I arrived at my interview and handed a hard copy of my resume to a man name Joe / George. The interview started out by Joe talking about how Great the company is, and how rich they are, averaging 60k a year and he asked me if thats something that im interested in. i said, "well ya sure but how much will i make per sale?" he clearly avoids to answer my question and says, "like i said, our agents average 60k a year." As the interview goes on he starts discussing the investments that i need to make such as a state insurance license ( which i knew this before hand and was willing depending on the commission rate) and a $75 book that that is suppose to help me pass the state insurance test. I asked, "is there any other way to get invovle with the company without buying this book." He replied, " we have one of the best trainings in the nation, and you will also get access to online training and like i said you can make up to 60,000 your first year." I replied that i was in the insurance business before, and that i never heard of someone needing to buy a book in order to get involved with the comapny. Told him i was no longer interested and left the interview.
I do not recommend anyone joining the Pacific Integrity Insurance Group. I canceled commitments to go to the job interview and it was just a complete waste of time. Avoid Pacific Integrity.
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