Strippers Are the Best Sales People on Earth- like Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt

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A smart club knows that their best marketing tools are their entertainers!And entertainers WANT to make money. If they are given the knowledge and skills to do this the best way possible and to work WITH management and other staff, everyone involved becomes more and more successful.
At the Gentlemen's Club EXPO panel sessions in Las Vegas 2010, I talked about the energy needed to create this win-win situation, and how imperative a positive mental attitude is in order to be successful in this business. Now it's time to get down to the gritty details of how you can make this happen at your club!
As a club owner, GM, or even any leader in this industry or any other industry, there are three key ways to integrate new methods, principles, or ideas into your place of business to make them a reality for the long haul.
1. Management and Staff has to be 100% "all in" with any kind of training, methods, ideas, and action items, or they will not be effective. This means that you as the leader in your club must figure out a way for your staff to buy into your plans like it is their OWN! Give them incentives, show them you're excited about it, and let your enthusiasm trickle down from the top to the bottom! A team that slaves together stays together, knowing that their hard work and dedication to you will pay off!
2. You must have a proven business system. Ever wonder why McDonald's hamburgers taste almost exactly the same in Tokyo as they do in New York City and in Los Angeles?
It is because there is a proven method that McDonald's employees abide by every time to make those hamburgers! It has been proven successful and people pour into their doors every day buying billions of burgers.
The same is true for any plan of action you choose in your business. There are proven methods to increase your dancer's productivity and sales, creating an atmosphere that men and women will want to come back to again and again.
3. You must have ample time for your business system to work, with continual support and education to solidify results. The best example of a successful business that trains their sales staff constantly is BMW.
They spend millions of dollars annually training their sales force on the type of clients they have, their psychology and how to make them feel the most comfortable and how to create a situation where people feel at ease to purchase not just any car, but the ultimate driving car! These same principles can and should be used in our industry. There is no reason to reinvent the wheel!
Agood example of an astute business plan is the one crafted by Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt.They both started out as "no-bodies" just like you and I. They approached their acting career like a business from day one using these simple strategies and slowly made it to the top in a big way.
One day, I was sitting at the airport in Santa Monica with John, and Brad Pitt happened to walk by. John and Brad started talking like normal guys who were about to get on a small plane and fly the darn thing when John and I realized from their conversation that Brad is an intelligent business man! Why ELSE would he be so successful?
More importantly, we discovered why he was at the airport - Angelina was taking flying lessons and owned a Cirrus. Now, if there is anything I have learned from pilots, it is the methodical, systematic attention to detail that you must have - or you will be a dead pilot!
Angelina Jolie is the perfect example of a strong, beautiful, business minded woman who is surrounding herself with success and pursuing activities that sharpen her intellect and give her an increased return on her investment! The time that you save in having your own plane far outweighs the cost when you are traveling all of the time! What an example for us all!
And a little known fact about Brad Pitt: He used to be a stripper back in the day! And I'm sure he met some people that helped him along the way! Stripping has a way of doing that if you have the ability to sift through the liars!
Unfortunately for the celebrities like Nicholas Cage and M.C. Hammer - they weren't so savvy and lost everything. That exemplifies the importance of methods, systemization, and not spending your way out of debt!
You might say, "Ok ok! Now that we've talked about how to facilitate the process of successful and increasing business transactions, what are key elements I can use to teach my entertainers how to be energetic?"
I am so glad you asked!
The first thing we must get the dancers to do is think about money! This is the fun part! For instance, if a dancer sets her financial goals at:
- 5 dances per hour ($20/dance)
- 5 hour shift
- 5 nights a week
- for 11 months
That's an average of $500 per night, $100 per hour, $2500 per week, $10,000 per month, and$110,000 per year!So just by setting this simple goal will give your dancers direction and something to aspire towards. And if they fall short they can adjust their hours and come in early, and if they overachieve that's just more money in the bank!
So which dancers will realistically achieve these goals?
Here are some character traits of the top dancers I've worked with. Any dancer can develop these skills with education and continual training.
-Extremely focused
-Drive and will to succeed
-No limits to what they believe they can achieve
-Warm and trustworthy
-Quickly and easily makes friends
-High sense of personal worth and confidence
-Not afraid to work hard for what they want
-Personally responsible and run their own business
-Never doubts their abilities
-Empathy with Intelligence: they understand someone else's situation without making it their own problem
-Ability to set and achieve goals
Every day your dancers can pick one of these traits and apply it to themselves. The more they do these exercises along with being around other people who are positive, the more they will become all of these things.
Studies show that you are an average of the 5 people you most associate with and I can tell you from personal experience I agree 100%!
So many dancers let their emotions control their body and when you lose control of your emotions; you have completely given up your power to control the situation you are in and that is when bad things usually happen.
I teach a principle where your body can be used to manipulate your emotions! If you think about how people act when they are happy, i.e. smiling, laughing, feeling more extroverted, confident, and physically active, you can replicate these things with your body to enhance your mood and your energy level.
One thing that I suggest to the club executives I work with is to encourage their dancers to put themselves in a situation to feel sexy and confident as much during the day as they can. Examples of things I did was putting on some sexy music, treating myself to the spa, wearing my best make-up, wearing my best outfits, or getting a spray tan. Anything I could do to feel better about myself before I went to work- I did.
We are experiencing very interesting times right now with the public perception issues in our industry and the economy.The great news is your dancers can be an integral part of the solution to both issues. With your club's staff being "All In" with a proven business system supplemented with ongoing training consistently implemented in your club; you will see a significant increase in repeat customers as well as your club's and your dancer's bottom line. A true Win-Win for all!
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Strippers Are the Best Sales People on Earth- like Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt New York City