Online Tech Support with PCCare247 – A Personal Account

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It has been quite a while since I last used the services of PCCare247. It all happened when my computer broke down in the middle of the night and I was almost done with the important business presentation. My computer kept on showing a message which said that there was a virus that had infected my computer. In fact, the message was repeatedly showing for the last 3 days but I kept ignoring it. Well, I paid heed to it when my computer just did not respond to my commands.
The Virus Problem that Started It All
My presentation was stuck and I had to complete it somehow. It so happens that I am a bachelor and I live alone. Simply put, I had no access to any other computer. I called up my friend who suggested that I seek out the services of online technical support companies. He told me that there was one that I was using and it went by the name of PCCare247. He personally recommended it. Going by his word, I dialed out the toll free number that he gave to me.
The toll free number gave me access to the customer representatives of PCCare247. They heard out the problem that I was facing and then told me about the best available computer maintenance plans which will suit my needs and demands. I chose the unlimited annual computer maintenance plans for was it not very cost effective in the long run; it was just what I needed. I use a computer a lot and I frequently encounter troublesome problems. I made the online payment of the plan and I was routed to the technical department.
Courteous and Well Informed Staff
The technical department was quite knowledgeable. A technician by the name Stephen diagnosed the problem and then proceeded to guide me to get my computer in safe mode. He then went on to take control of my computer by software that goes by the name of remote desktop applications. He told me that I had been plagued by a many viruses and even had the chance of someone else hacking into my computer. He removed all the viruses and went on to fully optimize my computer.
A Very Happy Customer
From that very first day to today, I have used the service at least 8 times. Sometimes it was due to some missing sound drivers while at one time I could not get my new wireless router to setup properly. Every single time they have been quickly available and have had no nonsense approach to my problem. I am quite satisfied with the services.
Stay Clear of Other Scamming Tech Support Companies
I have got from the people at PCCare247. I also have heard a lot about many dishonest online technical support companies running operations on the internet. They generally scam you out of your money by first selling your plan and then not solving your problem. The general modus operandi of these fraudulent companies is to sell people annual plans and then vanishing without a trace. I personally recommend PCCare247 for getting unlimited and quick technical support.
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