A Quick Look at Online Advertising and Its Advantages

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In the age of the Internet, online advertising is one of the sure shot ways of attracting people's attention. Every enterprise and organization, irrespective of whether it is a small company or a large corporation, can reap the benefits of online advertising and lead scoring. Online advertising can be defined as a form of promotion that makes use of the internet and World Wide Web to convey marketing messages to generate traffic.
Types of Online Advertising
There are two types of online advertising: paid advertising and free advertising. This allows even those enterprises with budget constraints to take advantage of the benefits of online advertising with marketing automation tool With paid advertising, advertisers pay the website for every click (pay per click, or PPC), for every appearance (pay per impression, or PPM) or for every sale (pay per action or PPA). While with free advertising, advertisers earn links to their website by submitting quality articles to websites that publish articles. Search engine optimization (SEO) is another form of free online advertising.
Different Online Advertising Techniques
There are different online advertising techniques that help companies in making revenue, generating traffic, creating brand awareness, selling products and driving sales. Let us look at some of the most popular online advertising techniques:
Banner Ads: Banner ads or web banners are those ads normally found on websites that have relevant interesting content. Banners are either wide and short or tall and narrow.
Pop-up Ads: As the name implies, these are ads that pop up when people enter certain sites.
Floating Ads: These ads float over the screen for a few seconds, and during that time you are unable to read the web page that you are on.
Unicast Ads: Unicast ads look like TV commercials and are rich in audio or video content. However, the only difference is that, unlike TV ads, the user can click on the ad for more details about the product or service.
Takeover Ads: In the case of takeover ads, website visitors see a large ad that minimizes into banners and buttons in a split second. These ads are quite popular as they can run throughout the visit.
Advantages of Online Advertising
Online advertising is cost-effective because they are results-driven; payments are made only for when results are attained.
Online advertising helps to convey the message to a wider audience since a great percentage of the world population is hooked on the net.
Online advertising helps in targeting specific customers.
Online advertising provides greater visibility.
Online advertising provides credible evidence of return on investment.
Online advertising facilitates quick turnaround as the user just needs to click the ad or link for more details.
Online advertising helps to create buzz about a new product or service.
Online advertising helps in easy customization of ads.
However, online advertising can help in successful lead generation if and only if the enterprise or organization has an effective lead management system that has the intelligence and sophistication to interpret the results.
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