Natural Moisturizer And Other Treatments For Dry Skin
Many experience the common problem of dry skin
. Dryness usually occurs on the lower legs, arms, and sides of abdomen. Winter months tend to worsen the condition as a result of lower temperatures and humidity. Dry skin is usually a result of environmental factors but some people are genetically prone to the condition. Treatment is important because dry skin can cause further problems such as fine lines, wrinkles, scaling, redness, and discomfort.
The Different Treatments for Dry Skin
Dry skin may be treated by changing your skin care routine.
* Limiting bath or shower time and using lukewarm water
* Gently patting skin dry instead of rubbing.
* Applying a moisturizer for dry skin immediately after bathing and using a healthy skin cream for hands after washing them.
* Using gentle and moisturizing soaps and cleansers as part of your dry skin treatment.
* Using heavier dry skin moisturizer in the winter months and lighter natural skin moisturizer in the summer.
* In your home, limiting central air and heating.
* In the summer, not over exposing yourself to the sun.
* Hydrating yourself by drinking 8 glasses of water a day.
* Applying a moisturizing cream for healthy skin when it is irritated, red or itchy.
Natural Skin Care
All natural skin care is important when treating the condition with moisturizers for dry skin. Creams with fragrance or tint may further irritate your skin. Find a natural option that promises to deeply penetrate, hydrate, and maintain moisture without irritating side effects. Dry skin treatment is important in preventing discomfort, redness, inflammation, scaling and fine lines and wrinkles.
by: Carmen Spencer
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