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Alcohol, Aging, and Curing Cancer

Recent media coverage has been devoted to the ability of alcohol to extend humanlife span

. A ratherinsolent statement considering thehistorical barrage ofdisparagingfindings regardingalcohol and its secondary ill health effects. However, if we isolate this one finding without examining thebroader context of alcohol's adverse health effects, in the long run, we probablydo more harm than good.

Using Albert Einstein's famous equation,


I have formulated the Time Longevity equation. By replacing the velocity of light coefficient with its equivalent velocityvariables (distance/time), I have generated the Time or Longevity equation. Time equals the square root of distance squared times mass times theinverse of energy. I have proclaimed this formula, The Rainer Time Longevity Equation.

Rainer's Time Longevity Equation

T=D2x M x 1/E

Rainer's Time Longevity Equation states that an organism's life span is interdependent on three variables. Those three variables are Distance (D), Mass (M), and Energy (E). Animals of various species, including man, may alter these three variables in order to prolong life. Since time is relative to movement through space, animals may slow the aging process by forward movement through space. The greater thedistance covered, the greater the positiveimpact on longevity.Animals that have the capacity to fly have an increased (D) variable compared to their non flying counterparts. Likewise, animals that typically fly or swim large distances will have a similarlyincreased life span. In short, caging migratory animals equates to a death sentence. TheGalapagosTortoise for example, has capitalized on all three variables of Distance (D), Mass (M), and Energy (E) in order to maximize its average life span of 150 years.The tortoiseshuttles through the ocean's currents (Increased D);It possesses alarge inert shell that requires no metabolic maintenance (Increased M); Tortoisespossessexceedingly slow movement with asimilarly decreased metabolic rate (Decreased E).

Man hasachieved greater longevity through modernizationwhich includes amongst other things,more rapid travel modalities (Increased D). Air travel has helped push man's life span to higher limits. Space travel shows even greaterpromisein extending man's life span. Increased Mass allows larger mammals toextend their life span by increasing the (M) variable. Man may alsoalter time by manipulatingthe Mass (M)variable. Ancient Egyptiansbrilliantly utilized this fact by spending timeresiding inpyramids. Bear in mind, that a pyramid by virtue of its construction, isvirtually entirely mass. Modern French researchers were astounded when they placed a dead cat and raw fresh meat in the interior of the Great pyramid, only to find both items exquisitely preserved days later. Likewise, Dinosaurs improved their life span by virtue of their enormous mass.

Lastly, this brings us to Energy (E), thefinal variable of the Rainer Time Longevity Equation. Given that time or longevity has an inverse relationship to energy (E), all things that decrease Energy will invariably increase time. However, I would like to point out thatitems that decrease the (E) variable and therefore increase longevity,may not necessarily improve the quality of life.Items thatdecrease the Energy (E) component and cause a decrease in Basal Metabolic Rateand secondarily increase longevity,include the following: love, marriage, hibernation, sleep, coma, stupor, caloric reduction, prayer, meditation, medicinal substances that suppress the central nervous system.

This brings us to the discussion of alcohol. Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant. Furthermore, it decreases brainendorphin production. Alcohol may increase longevity by decreasing the Energy (E) variablethus reducing Basal Metabolic Rate. However, we must not overlook the obvious ill effects thatalcohol has onour overall health.Alcohol causes brain atrophy, liver cirrhosis, and promotes the formation of various types of cancer. Alcohol in abroader context has damaging effects on the body. Additionally, by reducing endogenous brainendorphin levels, alcohol robs our subconscious mind of its creativity and severs our link with God. Alcohol steals our ambition which, many may argue, is our chief purpose for existence.

Invariably, future studieswill likelysupport findings that opiates such as heroin and codeine increase longevity by inducing acomatose state. But few wouldclaim that periodic heroin use is beneficialin improving one's life. Let's not be seduced into accepting isolated research findings as virtuous advances. Embracing amorally soundlifestyle shows the most promise in extending and improving the quality of life.Enhancing endogenous brainendorphin productionby routine exercise and meditation, facilitates a quality lifestyle.Naturally, man desires a longer life span. Likewise, an associated increase in life span will occur as man adopts the following lifestyle and behavior modifications:swifter travel modalities (increased D); decrease inobesity(decreased E); acquire more sleep (decreased E); prayer (decrease E);universal love (decrease E);consumption ofminimalamounts of wine(decrease E);reside in structures composed of denser buildingmaterials (increase M) such as granite high rises.

I would like to add a caveat while on the topic of Energy (E). Contrary to current popular belief and aside from acute injury,a lower bone density contributes to a longer life span.High bone masses require increased metabolic rates to maintain. Likewise, an increased BasalMetabolic Rate shortens life span. As Man evolves, he sacrifices the development of high bone density for superiorbrain development. Asian ethnic groups, known to have the lowest bone density, likewise have the longest life span. Hence, lower bone density promotes longer life. This may ultimatelyencourage the use of medicinal agents targeted to enhance osteoclast activity (cells thatreabsorb bone tissue) in order to improve life span. Additionally, this may discouragethe use ofaggressive medicinal treatments used to build bone in orderto preventosteoporosis.

The human body, given its fine tuning due to an extensive evolutionary process, capitalizes on theenergy (E)component of the Time Longevity equation. The body utilizes fever as a weapon to combat bacterial and viral offenders. By raising the body's core temperature when faced witha crisis, effectively increasing Energy (E), the body's immune system selectively shortens the life cycle of the offending bacterial or viralagent. Hence, fever can assist the body in its effortto destroy infecting organisms. However, the body must precipitously drop the temperature once theoffending threat has been thwarted in orderto circumvent its own demise. Fever,although an effective defensive tool, can also prove extremelyhazardous if left unchecked.Severe systemic infections mayincrease the basal metabolic rate (E) beyond limits compatible with life.

We must alsoavoid the temptation to implement detrimental behavior patterns in an effort to extend life span. This isparticularly trueif newly adaptedpractices jeopardize the quality of life or blunt thecreativity of the human mind. Our minds are our cherished tools that serve as the link to connect us to our higher power. Our minds resonate with one anotherallowing us to share our creativity and inspiration which may then develop into a material equivalent. No substance, compound, or medicinal agentshould evercompromise this higher cerebral function. Our minds empower our capacity to connect to one another, our environment, and with God. We live to promote ourthought capacity for now and beyond. Our bodies merelyserveas our mind'stemporary housing. Alcohol excesscan evoke the brain's capacity for addiction, a biological disease. In all fairness, two glasses of red wine consumedon a weekly basismay have some positivehealth benefits. Red winewith itsantioxidant propertiescoupled with relaxants, mayenable us to cope with life's rigors. But stronger types of alcohol such as whiskey, bourbon, rum, and vodka often tax the capacity of our liver's detoxification capabilities and therefore cause systemic illness.

Time travel is also implicit to this discussion. As wephotograph a tennis player strike a ball without the aid of a freeze frame lens, we see that motion is composed of a sequence of independent movements separated by distance and time. Likewise, photographing our solar system gives us the same effect. Photos of seemingly independent planets appearseparated onlyby distance. But, however, this is effectively one of the same. Our solar system is the evolution of one planet only-- Earth. Mars is earth's future andVenus isearth's past. The volcanoes on Mar's surface are merely eroded Great Pyramids of Egypt. The eerie face peering at us from Mar's surface isour ownGreat Sphinxlooking towards the heavens. However, the dimension of time is well into our future. Time travel is before our eyes. What appears asa seemingly array of independent objects separated by various distancesis merely one of the same. Given the temperaturevariationof Mars, global warming thenbecomes a moot point.

Let's turn our sights to one of our most challenging issues, cancer. Is there a cure in sight?We raceto find a curebut we mustforce ourselves to look beyond the narrow scope of ourlens.Increasing distance (D) and mass (M) while decreasing energy(E) will not only increase life span but also may hold the definitive key to cancer's cure. If we focus onenergy (E), from a metabolic standpoint, we make reference to Basal Metabolic Rate. Whatever variabledecreases basal metabolic rate likewisedecreases the incidence of cancer.Currentmedical standardsmust be revised. At best, our attempts to preserve bone mass by medicinal means is in fact anabsolute route topromoting the formation ofcancer. Raising bone density increases metabolic rates. An increase in Basal Metabolic rate increases energy (E)which in turnshortens longevity (T). Hence,increasing bone density increases cancer. An increase in metabolic rate is an increase in energy (E) which causes a decrease in time longevity (T). Medicinal agents that increase bone density in post menopausal years directly shorten life span. God's naturally occurring hormonal transition has been correct all along. The production of progesterone in women's twilight years with the corresponding decline in bone mass potentiates the duration of life. Cancer is merely the byproduct of stimulating basal metabolic rates to an extreme thuscreating a cellular replicating, self perpetuating vortex. We cannot eliminate this vortex byapplying more energy such as radiation. In fact, we must do thevery opposite. Hence, the promise for an absolute cure for cancer lies in the basal metabolic reductive capacity of cryogenics and frigid cold baths.

The followingitems below decrease energy (E) or Basal Metabolic Rate and therefore help PREVENT CANCER and increase Life Span:

- Decrease in Basal Metabolic Rate

- Decrease in Bone Density

- Osteoblast inhibitor

- Antibiotics

- Sleep

- Hibernation

- Estrogen Blocker (Tamoxifen)

- Osteoclast activator

- Meditation

- Coma

- Prayer

- Exercise

- Sex

- Love

- Classical and Jazz Music

- Relaxation

- Laughter

- Caloric Reduction

- Fasting

- Progesterone

- Depo Provera

- Excessive Cold

- Moderate Wine

- Lupron

- Decreased Body Mass Index

The items listed below increase Mass (M) and therefore help PREVENT CANCER and increase Life Span:

- Residing in the Great Pyramid of Egypt

- Residing in Stone House

- Residing in a Cave

- Burrowing and residingunderground

The items listed below increase Distance (D) and therefore help PREVENT CANCER and increase Life Span:

- Space travel

- Flying

- Migration

- Forward Movement

- Swimming

The items listed below increase energy (E) or Basal MetabolicRateand therefore CAUSE CANCER and decrease Life Span:

- Increase in Basal Metabolic Rate

- Increase in Bone Density

- Osteoclast Inhibitor

- Cigarettes

- Infection

- Fever

- Carcinogenic exposure

- Excessive Heat

- Genetic Predisposition

- Bacterial exposure

- Viral exposure

- Obesity

- Osteoblast Activator

- Sleep Deprivation

- Hate

- Anger

- Stress

- Fosomax

- Androgenic Steroids

- Unopposed Estrogen

- Cocaine

- Excessive Sun

- Mifepristone (RU486)

The items listed below decrease Mass (M) and therefore CAUSE CANCER and decrease Life Span:

- Residing in a trailer

- Residing in a tent

The items listed below decrease Distance (D) and therefore CAUSE CANCER and decrease Life Span:

- Sedentary lifestyle

- Stasis or staying still

*Some items listed above are currently theoretical and require case-control study to be regarded as scientific fact

Optimizing the physical laws of nature will assist us as we make progress in increasinglongevity and eradicating cancer as a health menace. We must carefully observe and analyze many ofnature's obvious examples of perfection and harmony. These examples in natureall have purpose and intentand haverequiredexponential years of evolutionary trial and error. As man universally harmonizes in the spirit of love, all things will ultimately be achieved.

Alcohol, Aging, and Curing Cancer

By: Dr. Robert E. Rainer, MD
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