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Natural Hair Loss Treatment: Lifestyle And Dietary Changes That Prevent Further Hair Loss

Natural Hair Loss Treatment: Lifestyle And Dietary Changes That Prevent Further Hair Loss

Hair loss is a widespread problem experienced by both men and women in every age.Though

this is an inevitable condition we experience as we go through life, some cases of hair loss, hair fall, and hair thinning problems are due to various factors like improper diet, bad habits and unhealthy lifestyle.

That being said, having a proper diet and changing lifestyle choices for the better can work wonders on your body at the same time can serve as a

hair loss treatment. Both are means of helping you promote a thicker, fuller and healthier head of hair.

Lifestyle Changes for Hair Loss Treatment

Relax and reduce stress. Engaging in physical exercise, hypnosis, yoga and visualization are excellent techniques that can work wonders on your overall health at the same time serve as means to prevent hair loss.

This is because these activities help relieve stress and promote relaxation. Have enough sleep. Getting the recommended eight to nine hours of sleep is essential to help lower tension that could cause stress-related hair loss.

Stay hydrated. Drinking at least eight glasses of water on a daily basis is vital to keep the body and the hair hydrated, promoting healthier hair.

Dietary Changes for Hair Loss Treatment

Stop smoking and drinking alcohol. Alcohol and nicotine are two elements that can hamper proper blood flow in the scalp, reducing the chances of healthier hair growth by delivering inadequate amounts of blood and nutrients to the hair follicles. With that, it is essential to eliminate both these bad habits in order to prevent hair loss.

Eat the right kind of foods. Eating omega 3-rich foods like salmon, mackerel and tuna helps keep stronger and healthier hair strands. You can also adopt a dietary plan that includes foods which contain phytoestrogens.

These plant-estrogens bind to estrogen receptors in your body, preventing the onslaught of hair loss and hair thinning problems. Excellent sources of phytoestrogens are tofu, legumes, seaweeds, potatoes, apples and carrots. Moreover, replenishing your diet with foods rich in vitamins A, B, C and E; and minerals like calcium, magnesium and iron help promote healthier hair regrowth.

by: Anna Collins
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Natural Hair Loss Treatment: Lifestyle And Dietary Changes That Prevent Further Hair Loss