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India Wildlife Safaris - An Insuperable Natural Beauty

India Wildlife Safaris - An Insuperable Natural Beauty

Embarking on India Wildlife tour is to assure oneself with natural beauty that is

indomitable and above all experience that cannot be expressed in words.

Those who wish to take a safari ride in the jungles of India are lucky to receive immense joy and fun throughout their journeys. It will not be an experience to state that the experience is simply amazing and exhilarating to a large extent. In order to fully enjoy and experience the nature,

However, there are some tips, which need to be followed by the visitor who is extremely sensitive to his surroundings and must exhibit a large measure of patience and self-discipline. It is a fact that India is indeed bestowed with varied wildlife. The primary reason is the large variations in climate and topography of the sub-continent.

As it is divided into ten bio-geographical zones, it is based on a distinctive set of physical and historical conditions thus rendering it one of the most influential positions in the society. They are also divided into twenty-three biotic provinces. As we witness the major ecosystems found in these provinces, which are called biomes, every biome holds a unique position in itself and constitutes a home different types of animals and birds with a certain amount of overlap.

As India wildlife is rich with nearly hundred species of mammals and 1300 species of birds, the experience is just awesome and fabulous. It is indeed the only country to have the Asiatic Lion and that is where it makes the wildlife experience richer than imagined. With nearly 65% of the worlds tigers and 85 % of the worlds Asian one horned rhino, there is no dearth of fascination that breeds the Indian wildlife vicinities.

As it also homes five species of big cats, four species of wild cattle, there is fascination in every speck with a large varieties of eleven wild goat and sheep and fifteen primates. However, above all, the fascination and charm remains with the magnificent Asiatic Lion, which is found in the Gir forest of Gujarat. However, the most charismatic of the Indian big cats is the tiger and that is where it becomes nonetheless beautiful.

As India has more than five hundred National Parks and Wildlife Sanctuaries, it makes it an ideal place in terms of exploring wildlife thats indomitable. The noteworthy part is that it also makes due arrangement for the tourists thus making it the right choice.

Taking into consideration the India Wildlife Safari, we find that it is more of a sojourn into the wild and there is no dearth of ways to do so. As most of the parks offer jeep safaris, it becomes easy to explore the jungles without any hassles. Apart from that, an elephant safari is probably the best way to get up close and make ones wildlife experience personal.

by: Raj Choudhary
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India Wildlife Safaris - An Insuperable Natural Beauty Columbus