Motorhome Insurance - What Is Determining Your Rates?

Share: Many people are in the dark when it comes to the factors that end up determining what you pay for insurance on your motor home
. Sometimes it is hard to figure out how to save if you are unsure what is determining those rates in the first place. Here is a look at just a few of the key factors that are going to affect what you pay and some tips that will help you save.
The Area Where You Store the Motor Home:
One of the factors that determines your rates when you are purchasing motorhome insurance is the area where you store the vehicle. If you are storing it in an area that has higher crime or in area that is more likely to have a natural disaster, then you may end up paying more for your policy.
The Use of the Motor Home:

Share: Another factor that will have an impact on what you pay for your policy is the use of the motorhome. If you are using the vehicle on a recreational basis, then you usually can get reasonably priced cover. You may even want to go with temporary cover if you rarely use the RV. Of course, if you are living in the RV on a regular basis, you will need a policy that goes everywhere with you and you can expect to pay a bit more.
Multiple Policies:
There is a good chance that if you go with the same company you have other types of insurance with you may get a better rate on your motorhome insurance. Many companies will give a multiple policy discount, so consider checking with the company you buy other policies from and your rates may end up being lower.
Voluntary Excess:
The amount of voluntary excess that you choose is going to have an impact on the amount you are charged for RV policy. You may be able to get a better deal by choosing to go with a higher voluntary excess. However, if you raise your excess, ensure you will be able to pay this out of pocket if you do have to make a claim. Otherwise this won't be worth the savings in the long run.
Your Age:
Yes, your age is going to influence the cost of your motor-home policy. If you are a bit older, then chances are you are going to get lower rates on the cover that you need. There are even special discounts for those who are over the age of 55 years offered by some insurers. Check with the company to see what kind of discounts you can get for your age and experience.
Driving and Claims History:
Last, you need to realise that your driving and claims history are both factors that will have a big impact on what you pay for the motorhome insurance that you purchase. If you have a record that looks good, then you often will get a nice discount. A claims history that looks clean can also save you big time, and you may even be eligible for a no claims discount on the policy you need.
by: Tom Jones
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