Top Five Ways To Lower Your House Insurance Costs

Share: Home cover may be a necessity, but paying an arm and a leg for your policy is not a necessity
. While you do want to get the best cover that you can and be certain that your home is protected, you certainly don't want to pay more than you have to for anything.
Getting discounted rates on your house insurance quotes is possible, depending on what you do. There are certain things that you can do to assure that your insurance costs you less, even if it is an older policy. To get the lowest price possible on house insurance, check out these tips for lowering the cost.
1. Raise the Voluntary excess on your policy:
The voluntary excess is the amount that you will pay for in the event of a loss. If it is currently 500 pounds, then raise it to 1000. The higher your voluntary excess is the less that you will pay for your cover when you get quotes. If you raise it to 1000 pounds voluntary excess, then you may save as much as a quarter of the cost of your policy every month. Bear in mind if you live in an area where natural disasters may take place that your policy might have separate voluntary excess for things such as hail, snow, or flooding.

Share: 2. Buy all of your policies from the same company:
Most companies will give you a discounted rate for your cover if you have multiple policies with them. As much as 10 percent or even more may be the discount if you get life, car and house insurance quotes from the same agency. Do a little homework though but make sure that you won't get it cheaper from another company if you have them separately.
3. Find ways to disaster proof your home:
Find out from your agent what you can do to make your home more windproof to withstand hurricanes or tornadoes. You may be able to save a lot on your cover if you buy a better roofing set-up or a better set of storm windows or shutters. You can even make your home more resistant to earthquakes by doing what is called retrofitting.
4. Add Home Security:
Most companies will give you about five percent off of the cost of your policy for smoke detectors. You will get more if you have carbon monoxide detectors. More yet, as much as 20 percent of the cost of your policy if your home has sprinklers or a means to put out a fire. If you have a fire alarm or a burglar alarm, you gain more of a discounted and if your alarm system is monitored that will give you even more. Most of these are not cheap additions to your home but the reality is that over the life of your home, they are going to pay for themselves twice over simply by virtue of the money they save you on the cost of your insurance.
5. Keep the same insurance company:
In most cases after a few years with the same company you will get a discount for being a long term customer of the company when you get even new house insurance quotes. That is more true if you have more than one policy at the company. Of course, don't stay if the price will be significantly lower, but if there isn't a valid reason for changing, then keep the same cover for the long haul.
by: Tom Jones
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