Mesothelioma Attorney Can Help You Get Relief
Mesothelioma Attorney Can Help You Get Relief
Mesothelioma cancer carries a very high risk of becoming a global epidemic due to its source or cause. The continued exposure to asbestos has been proven to be the prime cause of this disease. Globally people are exposed to asbestos due to their unsafe working environment. Millions of people work worldwide in industrial places such as building constructions, shipyards, metal shops and electrical works/repair shops. These people have a high risk of exposure to airborne toxins which can be easily inhaled.
In fact in recent years second hand transmission of this disease has created a completely new level of risk. It is without a doubt the responsibility of the company to provide a safe working environment for their employees and ensure that the hazards are not ignored or denied. But as the history has shown us; various companies and corrupt officials have done their best to cover up these facts many a times. But with a good mesothelioma attorney, effected people can get the compensation they deserve. It is after all a fatal disease that has a 4-18 months survival time after diagnosis.
An Insight into Litigation
An affected individual would be in his rights to file a lawsuit against a company that did not provide an adequate safe environment or clear indication of the level of hazard. However, due to the fact that asbestos related lawsuits are the highest tort cases in American legal history, these cases have become very common and highly technical.
An attorney has to provide a lot of technical information from a case to case basis. The defendant always tries to point out that the effected party had already contracted malignant mesothelioma, even before he started working in their company. They try to discredit the claims or lower to the compensation as far as possible. But in reality, enough research and medical history of the person can help the claim. It is up to the attorney to do a thorough research in the case and even bring on asbestos experts and examine working environments.
The litigation process does take some time but people have been awarded millions of dollars in compensation. In fact in a disturbing case in New York, a businessman hired homeless people to remove highly toxic asbestos from an industrial site which lead to high levels of exposure and death. In this case there was not only financial compensation that was paid but a criminal suit was brought into the process as well. Moreover, to worsen the misery the defendants were handed lengthy prison sentences.
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