Find A Helpful Guide To Various Mesothelioma Treatments
Find A Helpful Guide To Various Mesothelioma Treatments
Mesothelioma is a very rare type of cancer but can create a very rapid decline in health that can be fatal. It has to be detected at a very early stage so that the treatment can be given on time. In the last few decades, as world-wide cases have multiplied; health care specialists have started to analyze various factors about Mesothelioma.
Scientists and medical researchers have been able to narrow down on some of the possible causes of this cancer and the overwhelming evidence points to exposure to asbestos. The most disturbing aspect of this type of cancer is the fact that life expectancy of this disease is very limited.
The History of Mesothelioma - The start of the killer virus
It has been observed that back in the 1940s many people working in the industrial revolution in America were exposed to asbestos. However not much was known about this type of cancer and therefore no actual diagnosis was ever made. It was only in early 70s when people being exposed to asbestos started to develop typical symptoms. As men working in similar environments in fields such as building and construction , mines and shipyard started to show very similar signs.
However, only since the mid 70s onwards health care specialists have been able to isolate the symptoms from various resources and therefore a better understanding of the disease has been brought forward. In fact what made a significant impact in terms of attention towards this Mesothelioma was the death of one of Hollywood's biggest movie stars - Steve McQueen, who died of peritoneal Mesothelioma in 1979.
Symptoms and Treatment - Fighting the Disease
The symptoms of mesothelioma cancer are quite similar to other forms of cancer such as throat or lung cancer. Therefore at an early stage it becomes difficult to isolate the diagnosis with a degree of confidence that it is mesothelioma. Some of the most common symptoms of mesothelioma are as follows
(1) Chest pain - People have reported a wall of pain and congestion
(2) Shortness of breath and fatigue
(3) Frequent cough and blood in cough
(4) Tumors affecting abdominal area leads to
(5) Irritating bowel syndrome
(6) Loss of weight that cannot be explained
Health care specialist look at these symptoms and try to look at the medical history of the patient and if it works in an environment where he can be exposed to asbestos. If that is the case then there are certain steps which are taken depending upon the stage of the ailment.
There are other important factors which also creates complexities in treatments such as age and other health conditions. Therefore mesothelioma treatments is complicated and so far chemotherapy seems to be the one treatment where patients have registered higher rate of survival as compared to other treatments.
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