May and June Reno Weather by:Storm Daly

Share: May and June Reno Weather can be very pleasant unless you get unlucky
. One thing that makes Reno stand out, in terms of weather, is the wide variation in between low and high temperatures during the same day. The average variation is 33 degrees Fahrenheit, which is one of the greatest gaps that you will find anywhere in the US, so you need to be prepared for throughout the day. Shorts may work for you in the afternoon, but not if you are going to be out long after sunset.
Snow is possible, but unlikely. If you are really interested in seeing snow you may want to visit Lake Tahoe, which is close to Reno.
May Reno Weather
The highest recorded temperature for Reno Nevada for the past 69 years in May was 97 degrees Fahrenheit, most recently measured on May 28, 2003, while the average high temperature is 73. The lowest measured temperature in Reno for the last 69 years in May was 18 most recently encountered on May 2, 1964, and the typical low is 40.

Share: According to National Weather Service historical weather data, on May 15, 2005, the high temperature did not exceed 47 degrees Fahrenheit, the lowest high measured in Reno in the past 69 years. NWS data also shows that on May 30, 2003, the lowest measured temperature on that day did not drop below 63 degrees, the highest low temperature measured in Reno in the last 69 years.
National Weather Service records indicate that the high temperature in Reno on May First averages 68 degrees and the high on the last day of the month averages 76 degrees. The average daily low temperature in Reno on May First is 50 degrees Fahrenheit and the average high on the last day of May is 51 degrees.
Reno usually receives an average of 0.62 inches of rain during May. The most rain measured in a single day in May was 1.76 inches on May 17, 1987. Reno averages 0.8 inches of snow in May. The most snow measured in a single day in May was 9 inches on May 16, 1962.
June Reno Weather
The hottest day in Reno Nevada in June for the past 69 years was 104 degrees Fahrenheit, registered on June 16, 1940, and the regular high is 83. The record low June temperature in Reno for the last 69 years was 25 registered on June 6, 1954, and the mean daily low in the month is 46.
United States NWS historical weather data records that on June 6, 2005, the high temperature did not exceed 50 degrees Fahrenheit, the lowest high measured in Reno in the past 69 years. The Weather Service additionally indicates that on June 18, 2003, the low for the day did not drop below 66 degrees, the highest low recorded in Reno in the last 69 years.
Weather Service historical data shows that the average daily high temperature in Reno on June First is 77 degrees Fahrenheit and the average high on the last day of June is 87 degrees. The average recorded low temperature in Reno on June First is 50 degrees Fahrenheit and the average high on the last day of June is 63 degrees.

Share: Reno usually receives an average of 0.47 inches of precipitation during June. The most precipitation measured in a single day in June was 0.64 inches on June 15, 1995.
About the author
Storm Daly writes about weather for Reno Weather .US at - a site that anticipates the weather that you may encounter while on vacation in Reno.
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