January and February Las Vegas Weather by:Storm Daly

Share: The weather in Las Vegas in January and February is better then the weather is in much of the United States, and elsewhere, but it's not perfect
. It can be windy, cold, and even a little wet at times. Snow is possible, but less likely than hitting 5 blackjacks in a row. You will probably be able to enjoy golfing in Las Vegas in January and February as long as the wind isn't blowing very much and the sun is out.
January Las Vegas Weather
The hottest January day in Las Vegas for the past 62 years was 77 degrees Fahrenheit, most recently encountered on January 26, 1975, while the regular high temperature is 57. In the last 62 years the highest reported temperature in Las Vegas for January was 8 on January 13, 1963, and the mean daily low in the month is 37.
According to National Weather Service weather data, on January 12, 1963, the recorded high temperature did not exceed 29 degrees Fahrenheit, the lowest high measured in Las Vegas in the past 62 years. Weather Service records also indicate that on January 20, 1999, the low temperature for the day was not measured below 58 degrees, the highest low measured in Las Vegas in the last 62 years.

Share: Weather Service historical data shows that the average daily high temperature in Las Vegas on January First is 54 degrees Fahrenheit and the average high on the last day of January is 59 degrees. The low temperature in Las Vegas in January on the first day of the month averages 39 degrees and the low temperature on the last day of the month averages 37 degrees.
Las Vegas typically receives an average of 0.59 inches of precipitation during the month. The most precipitation recorded on a single day in January was 0.81 inches on January 3, 2005. Las Vegas receives an average of 0.9 inches of snow in January.On January 31, 1979 Las Vegas received 7 inches of precipitation, the highest snowfall recorded in a single day in January.
February Las Vegas Weather
The highest recorded temperature for Las Vegas Nevada for the past 62 years in February was 87 degrees Fahrenheit, most recently measured on February 26, 1986, while the regular high temperature is 63. The lowest documented temperature for Las Vegas for the past 62 years in February was 16 most recently encountered on February 7, 1989, while the typical low recorded temperature is 41.
US National Weather Service weather data records that on February 6, 1989, the high temperature did not exceed 34 degrees Fahrenheit, the lowest high measured in Las Vegas in the past 62 years. Weather Service records additionally indicate that on February 26, 1989, the low for the day was not measured below 59 degrees, the highest low temperature recorded in Las Vegas in the last 62 years.
According to the National Weather Service, the high temperature in Las Vegas in February on the first day of the month averages 59 degrees and the high on the last day of the month averages 66 degrees. The daily low temperature in Las Vegas on February First averages 37 degrees Fahrenheit and the high on the last day of February averages 47 degrees.

Share: Las Vegas usually receives an average of 0.69 inches of precipitation during February. On February 8, 1993 Las Vegas received 1.29 inches of precipitation, the most rain recorded in a single day in February. Las Vegas averages 0.1 inches of snow in February. The most snow recorded in a single day in February was 1 inches on February 19, 1990.
About the author
Storm Daly writes about Las Vegas Weather for Las Vegas Weather .US at
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