Make Money Online Through Freelance Writing

Share: Writing is a basic skill that anyone with a grade school education can do
. Despite this, a large number of growing businesses simply don't have time or energy to spend writing countless advertisements, bulletins, or articles. Instead, many companies hire freelance writers on a temporary basis to help promote their businesses. For anyone who enjoys writing, this is a great opportunity to make money online.
Potential writers should first decide what form of credit they would like to have over their writing. For example, many companies hire writers who are willing to write content but not claim credit for it. These are known as ghost writers. These writers get hired to write various things depending on the company, but when the company publishes the writing, they will claim that either the company or someone working for the company wrote it. This form of writing typically pays more, however, most writers are not willing to completely forfeit the rights of their material.
For those who are unwilling to sell full-rights of their material, that's possible too. Less companies are willing to hire writers who want their name to stay on the material, but there are some that will. Writers should be prepared to make less money and have less selection if this is the route they decide to choose. On the plus side, writers can also include this material in resumes, portfolios, or blogs since they maintain full rights. Many of these articles can also be sold multiple times if multiple companies are interested in buying.
Writers can also choose to forfeit some rights, but not all. This is often seen as a happy middle ground for those who are unsure where to start. When the middle ground is taken, writers typically agree that their name will remain on the work as long as the content is only sold once rather than multiple times. This limits money making potential, but allows a writer to still include the work on his or her blog or resume.
After deciding the type of rights a user wants to have over their work, they can begin looking for material to write. There are many websites that bring clients and writers together. For example, a user may sign up for a website, then be contacted by a company which needs a specific article about kitty litter. Specific instructions and details will be included, such as the client asking writers to keep the article under 1,000 words, and to be sure not to mention competitor brands. Typically a client will also state if they're willing to give the writer full rights over their content, or how much they're willing to pay if the user abandons their rights. Writers can then accept or reject the offer.
For those who would rather start writing on their own, this is also possible. Some websites allow writers to make money online by allowing users to write whatever they want, then having clients bid on each article. For example, a writer could produce an article about the bashinjii dog breed. Two clients may find this article useful and decide to buy it. One client can contact the writer and offer $100 for it while the other client may offer only $70. The writer then gets to choose which person to sell it to.
Finally, writers can also make money by writing articles and being paid based on the number of views it receives. This is known as revenue share and is extremely popular with new writers. A writer can choose to write an article on any given topic, from flooring to ski-diving. He can then put that article on a revenue sharing site, and each time 1,000 users view his article, he may get paid a few dollars. If an extremely popular article is produced, this can equal hundreds of dollars in a short period of time.
by: Chris Spencer
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