Buy Winstrol Online

Share: What is special about the injectable Winstrol Depot is that its substance is not
as is common in almost all steroids dissolved in oil; it is suspended in water. Although almost every steroid experienced bodybuilder knows this difference, the practical application of this knowledge rarely occurs: the injection free intervals of the compound Winstrol Depot must be distinctly shorter than with the other common steroids. Simplified, this means that Winstrol Depot 50 mg/ml must be injected much more frequently than the oil dissolved steroids (e.g. Primobolan, Deca Durabolin, Sustanon 250, Parabolan, etc.). The reason for this is the relative low half-life time of steroids.
Those dissolved in water must be injected at least every second day, and best results are observed at a daily injection of 50 mg. The substance stanozolol is a precursor to the dihydrotestosterone and consequently, it prevents Winstrol Depot from aromatizing into estrogens with water retention occurring only rarely. Based on these characteristics the main application of Winstrol Depot is clearly defined in bodybuilding: preparation for a competition. Together with a caloriereduced diet which is rich in protein Winstrol Depot gives the muscles a continuously harder appearance.
Winstrol Depot is usually not used as the only steroid during dieting since, based on its low androgenic component, it does not reliably protect the athlete from losing muscle tissue. The missing, pronounced androgenic effect is often balanced by a combined intake with Parabolan. Depending on the athlete's performance level, the athlete usually takes 50 mg Winstrol Depot every 1-2 days and Parabolan 76 mg/1.5 ml every 1-2 day. Although there is no scientific proof of a special combined action between Winstrol Depot and Parabolan, based on several practical examples, a synergetic effect seems likely. Other steroids which athletes successfully combine with Winstrol Depot during the preparation for a competition include Masteron, Equipoise, Halotestin, Oxandrolone, Testosterone propionate, Primobolan, and HGH. Winstrol Depot, however, is not only especially suited during preparation for a competition but also in a gaining phase. Since it does not cause water retention rapid weight gains with Winstrol Depot are very rare. A solid muscle gain and an over proportionally strong strength increase occur, usually remaining after use of the compound is discontinued. Bodybuilders who want to build up strength and mass often combine Winstrol Depot with Dianabol, Anadrol 50, Testosterone, or Deca-Durabolin. With a stack of 100 mg Anadrol 50/day, 50 mg Winstrol Depot/day, and 400 mg Deca-Durabolin/week the user slowly gets into the dosage range of ambitious competing athletes.
Older athletes and steroid novices can achieve good progress with either Winstrol Depot/Deca-Durabolin or Winstrol Depot/Primobolan Depot. They use quite a harmless stack which normally does not lead to noticeable side effects. This leaves steroid novices with enough room for the harder stuff which they do not yet need in this phase. Winstrol Depot is mainly an anabolic steroid with a moderate, androgenic effect which, can especially manifest itself in women dosing 50 mg/week and in men dosing higher quantities. Problems in female athletes usually occur when a quantity of 50 mg is injected twice weekly. The effect of Winstrol Depot decreases considerably after a few days and thus an injection at least twice weekly is justified.
by: appleisall534
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