Life Is Full Of Experiences And Happenings - Express It To Others!

Share: Everyone has its own thoughts for living life
Everyone has its own thoughts for living life. Their different ways and rules let them to live it in the most joyful and cherished style. Now it fully varies from person to person. Accordingly, we are experiencing different styles and stories of living life. Coming across different life stories is a good thing but before that we really need to know what life actually means to us? Whether we really understand the word with its correct impact? We must accept and acknowledge the word LIFE in its most appropriate way. Its better to go through the Biography of others. By that we can have a fair look on the ways of living life and accumulate experience for our betterment.
Writing someones life history gathering all the good and bad, hardships, knowledge and achievements, wishes, thoughts, intuitions etc helps to define the concerned person in a more appropriate way along with us to know and understand the person in a much better condition which helps us directly and indirectly both to renovate and reorganize our living style again in a better way. It let us to decide how to forward ourselves in the future and how to turn the odds into favorable move. Everybody goes through both smooth and harsh movements of life journey. Therefore, life is a mixture of positive and negative both kind of happenings .Its the will power and inner sense of us which decides how and in which way, well move further. If someone says that I am really determined and focused in My life of how to live it, then its obviously a good thought to avail ,but always it is not so. There are people who sometime need a push to start up and rejuvenate their living style again for running it in a progressive and joyful way. Even it helps in the growth of mutual understanding and cooperation among people also. So, reading life history of others and getting lessons from that enriched us and our thought towards betterment always. It answers us of a question, whether we really want to get remembered even long after our death or not. Being present in a book in the form of our life story is the most attractive way to do so! Isnt it good enough that we act as an inspiration to others too by sharing our peaks and troughs of life? There are some issues which sometime we unable to discuss or yet to decide, how to execute it, in that case we can collect all such stuffs in the life history book and whenever in a mood to accomplish them, we can go through it. At least it gives us a small but precious time to have a long awaited engagement with our own self.
Hence, life stories (whether ours or others) always possess a huge bunch of lessons and experiences to accumulate and apply in our practice of changing the life towards good and therefore to know ourselves and the inner sole with all its desires in a much accurate way. It also helps to grow a bond with a feeling of going through similar struggles and happenings of life among various people, so that someday turning the last page of the book, we all can say firmly that I have achieved everything in life!
by: John Kennedy
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