Trials And Tribulations Of Life

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To be part of a club, you have to join the club. You have got to place your membership there. Thats why we are into membership here at Fellowship Church. Ill say it to you as plain as I can. You cannot be a growing, well fed, Christ-follower, unless you are a part of a local church, unless you are hooked in and involved there. Its a pipe dream to think you can. You have to be a part of the church to be the kind of Christian that God wants you to be.
Ed Young says, we are partial about Fellowship Church. Now, if you are looking for the perfect church, dont join it, because you will mess it up. Always remember that. You are going to mess it up. You aint going to find the perfect church, all right? But if this church is not for you, thats cool. Its not for everybody. Go find one that you connect with and join that church. Join that gym. Place membership there and pay your dues. They are not really your dues; they are Gods anyway. But that is a whole other subject and whole other story.
Now, if you think about a gym, a gym has got some aerobic equipment. Its got the treadmills, the stairmasters, all this stuff. Our gym, the local church, is the same way. We want to teach you endurance. We want to teach you how to have real discipline as you face the trials and tribulations of life. You need some real cardio work to do the stuff, and thats the training here.
Also, a good gym has some iron. You have got to pump the iron. It has machines and resistance training. We want to teach you how to strengthen your life only through the grace and the power of God. So, when you are facing these difficulties, when you feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders, we will show you how to lift and how to handle that weight. Thats part of the Body of Christ.
by: Ed Young
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