Life Goes On for Breast Cancer Survivors

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Life Goes On for Breast Cancer Survivors
Breast cancer has taken its toll on women, affecting the ordinary day-to-day lives of thousands of mothers around the world. In the United States, research reveals 200,000 new cases of invasive breast cancer in 2010. An additional 54,000 have been diagnosed to be in the early stage of the disease. This makes breast cancer the second most prevalent death-causing disease for women in the country.
Nevertheless, life does not stop for 2.5 million cancer survivors in the US. The pain and memory of the disease have encouraged them to participate in worldwide cancer advocacies. Recently, simultaneous programs are being launched and organized in Africa, Asia, Europe, and North and South America to call for breast cancer awareness. Moreover, ordinary lives of these women continue through the development of modern breast reconstruction procedures in the medical world.
Breast reconstruction is a medical procedure administered by a plastic surgeon to rebuild the breast of a woman. This is frequently done after breast mastectomy. Frequently, patients who do not need to undergo postsurgical radiation therapy choose to have breast reconstruction after the breast mastectomy. Reconstruction can only be done if the chest tissue is undamaged by radiation therapy and scarring.
The reconstruction process may take more than one operation, depending on the repair that will be done on a woman's chest area. It involves silicone implant or placement of saline. The procedure is similar to Los Angeles breast augmentation technique given to women who want to enhance their breast size. Conversely, breast reconstruction entails restoration of the nipple and areola.
Breast reconstruction has replaced the commonly used prosthesis to feign normal chest conditions. Because of this, cancer survivors have regained their self-esteem and confidence in in socializing with people. Moreover, it has also improved their body image and physical satisfaction. In fact, 98% of women who have undergone breast reconstruction express willingness go through the operation again. The psychological impact that the procedure has on women is similar to the effects of Los Angeles breast augmentation.
In Los Angeles, breast implants are administered to those who want to enhance breast size and shape. Nevertheless, cancer survivors have realized that physical aesthetics do not matter anymore when matter of life or death situations has already dawned on one's life.
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