Simple Lifestyle Changes That Can Make You Feel Like New
It is not only the food we eat that can affect our health but how we eat can also affect it
. One bad habit is to eat as soon as you awake. The body is not designed to consume food as soon as you rise from bed because your digestion system has not been fully stimulated. It is far better for your body to be fully awake before you begin to eat in the morning.
When you rise from bed in the morning acquire the habit of getting your body properly wakened up before you sit down for the first meal of the day. You can waken your body by doing a little gentle exercise that begins with deep breathing. You can also take a warm shower followed by quick cold shower to wake you up. Doing these activities soon after you get up will get the blood circulating as well as stimulating the digestive system.
The type and the size of the breakfast you eat will also affect how you feel. The breakfast is probably the most important meal of the day that should not be missed. As with every meal it should be a light meal and not a heavy one. When we eat larger quantities of food in one sitting we put pressure and stress on our stomach and digestive system which can result in indigestion and lack of sleep.
Many people in today's society have very poor eating habits that involve eating too much food at once. They gorge their food and do not chew it properly. Our bodies are designed to eat light and often. Nutritional research has conducted studies that compared the affects of eating the traditional big three meals a day compared with people who ate light and more frequently. People whose eating habits involved frequent light, small nutritious meals had shown more energy and better health. The eating habit also helps to keep your blood glucose levels stable and regulated. This results in having energy levels that are consistent throughout the day. Many people who gorge on meals tend to have low to high energy levels during the day.
Another effective way to improve your health is to take regular exercise. Regular exercise has the effect of stimulating and regulating the digestive system. People who do little to no exercise commonly have a very weak control over their appetite. They tend to eat more food even though their body does not need it making them put on extra weight.
Simple Lifestyle Changes That Can Make You Feel Like New