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Epilepsy is a disorder that affects people of all ages
. The causes of epilepsy aren't known, however the condition is known to be neurological, which means that it comes from the brain. Doctors can diagnose epilepsy after a person has had two or more seizures that occurred without other causes such as a reaction to medication or any other physical condition that may had been the main cause.
Once there is a diagnosis made from the doctor, it might be time for you to consider the options for epilepsy treatment. There are several choices to be made and the physican in charge of the patient will no doubt wish to run some tests to help determine the patient's all around health and also to make certain that any course of treatment which is chosen will not conflict with other health problems or medications.
Choosing an epilepsy treatment is something that is of extreme importance. The side effects of several medications can make them unwise to prescribe for some patients and the doctor may experiment with a few different options, giving the patient time for the medication to achieve a loading dose in your body before there's another consultation to see if the medicine is both working well and not causing a lot of severe unwanted effects.
It is not unusual for the first medication that the doctor prescribes to be inadequate to managing the seizures. Doctors may begin using a low dose of the least disruptive medication hoping avoiding unpleasant side effects. If the first medicine is not sufficient, the doctor either can increase the dose of the single medication or combine it with another prescription.
It is crucial for the patient to record the amount of seizures they are still having while on medication and also to communicate with their physician to be able to assist in finding the best combination of medications that can help control their seizures.
The science of epilepsy treatment is individualized to the patient. One medication that may be suitable for a certain patient is not going to be universally correct for all. Each patient's health, age and list of other medications they take will influence which prescriptions are ordered by their physician.
Aside from prescribed medicines for epilepsy treatment, there are more choices that some patients make to control their seizures. The use of dietary treatment therapy is one known treatment that can be effective for many patients. The ketogenic diet continues to be tried with a bit of success in many cases.
Chiropractic treatment and such things as relaxation through biofeedback are also choices that some patients try and you will find herbal medicines that are thought to be of assistance in the treatment of the seizure disorder also. Another homeopathic remedy that has been used for epilepsy is acupuncture with lots of patients reporting success within the control of seizures and also the balancing of their body's health through those treatments.
by: Travis Peterson
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