Cancer Treatment For Dogs - Understanding, 3 Things To Help You
Cancer treatment for dogs can vary according to the type of dog and their condition
. Very little is known about cancer in humans and the best way to treat it, the same applies to dog cancer. However there is some good news; things are changing and there are lots of procedures and techniques we can implement that will assist the recovery and quality of life for man's best friend..
It will be dependent on the particular type and extent of your pet's tumor as to what you can do to assist. It is only natural for us to lavish more love and affection on our canine companion, although this will not do any harm, it does not actually help your dog's recovery. Don't under estimate how traumatic it can be for the owner so it is just as beneficial to look after yourself as caring for your four legged friend. Your first step is to learn as much about all the cancer treatment for dogs as you can.
1. Understanding: Before you can begin to understand the best cancer treatment for dogs you need to first understand a few things about cancer itself. Knowing the answer to some of the most important questions about cancer including what it is and what causes it will help you better understand your pet's condition and allow you to make the right decision concerning treatment. Do not rush into an major decisions as the treatment you choose may be driven by personal needs e.g. keeping your dog alive as long as possible because you can't let them go, namely because you don't want to let go. As with humans, there are therapies & treatments for all the varieties of canine cancer, occasionally the disease may have advanced too far for the majority of dog cancer treatments to make an impact. What does a dog owner do in those circumstances? How do you treat your dog in the meantime and prepare to let go when the time comes?
2. Diet: A healthy and balanced diet is a must because this assists your pet build up natural immunities in their fight against cancer. Weight control is just as important simply because you do not want additional complications such as weight related conditions for example joint problems, diabetes and angina and heart attacks. The question is will diet actually arrest the cancer - unfortunately very unlikely, but there have been cases where it has worked, so do not dismiss it as a cancer treatment for dogs.
3. Exercise: Exercise is just as beneficial as a balanced diet. Ask yourself what is quality of life? Ask yourself what your dog needs the most. Canines are rarely lazy by nature; they like to be active throughout the day. They are also a lot more in tune with their bodies than we are and know when to rest and when to play. Mental stimulation is what gives them enjoyment and will encourage them to want to live longer. Over pampering and keeping your pet indoors can be very non-productive in their fight against cancer. Sniffing smells, is the equivalent of conversation to us humans, and is possibly the number one priority in a dog's life and the most mentally stimulating, so taking your dog for a walk, even a short one, is as good a cancer treatment for dogs as any.
by: David Arnewood
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