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Kill The Cancer Right Away

Cancer will

Cancer will

find you whether you lead a healthy or unhealthy

lifestyle; whether you're physically fit or out of

shape; whether you exercise regularly or are a

couch potato; whether you're rich or poor, male or

female; whether you're a vegetarian, pescetarian

or meat lover; and whether you're an adult,

adolescent or child.

DID YOU KNOW... that 1 out of every 3 adults in

America already has cancer? But most of them

don't know it yet because the cancer is

undiagnosed and undetected. According to the

American Cancer Society, there's a 41% probability

that an individual, male or female, will develop

cancer in his or her lifetime (or die from it).

Additionally, every human being has cancer cells

existing in the body which are just seeking a

low-oxygen environment where they can multiply

into the full-blown disease.

What if you could reduce your chance of getting cancer

from 41% to zero? What if you completely removed

all probability that you'll ever get ANY disease,

for that matter? And what if you had a way of

curing any disease that you might already have?

"Is that really possible?" you ask.

The answer is a resounding "Yes!"

But you can't do it simply by eating a healthy diet, or

even by becoming a vegetarian. Linda McCartney,

the late wife of Paul McCartney was a life-long

vegetarian, who not only campaigned for vegetarianism,

but also wrote a book on vegetarian cooking and

produced a line of frozen vegetarian meals. Yet,

despite her healthy eating, she died of breast cancer

at the age of 56. That's 20 years ahead of the average

life expectancy of American women.

And you can't become immune from disease simply

by exercising or becoming physically fit. Some of

the greatest athletes of our time, including 7-time

Tour de France champion Lance Armstrong, Olympic

ice skating champions Scott Hamilton and Peggy

Fleming, and basketball star Magic Johnson, have all

been victims of cancer or HIV.

And no, neither can you prevent or cure disease by

popping a variety of nutrients, super "nutraceuticals,"

vitamins and minerals either.

The absolute best way to eradicate disease from your

life is by supplying the cells and tissues of your body

with its most essential element - and that's oxygen.


Because even though your body may need an array of

different elements and nutrients such as CoQ10,

magnesium, Omega-3 fatty acids and the like, only

oxygen is in such critical demand that an insufficient

supply makes the body develop diseases -- and it absence

causes the body to die within minutes.

Oxygen creates an environment in the body that enables

the body to CURE ITSELF of virtually all diseases

characterized by viruses, harmful bacteria, toxins,

disease microorganisms and pathogens, including but

not limited to cancer, AIDS, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's

Disease, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple

sclerosis, heart disease, ulcers, asthma and many other

types of diseases, including the flu.

But the important key to remember is that

sufficient amounts of oxygen need to be supplied

at the CELLULAR level. Unless oxygen is delivered

to the cells and tissues of the body, it cannot do

a good job at creating an environment in the body

that is uninhabitable by disease.

Only the simple therapy described in "The One-Minute

Cure" effectively moves oxygen atoms from the

bloodstream to the cells to a dramatically greater

degree than is usually reached by all other means.

That's why this one-minute cure has been administered

by over 15,000 European doctors, naturopaths and health

practitioners to millions of patients to cure practically

every disease known to man.

They have yet to find a disease that does NOT respond

well to this one-minute cure. When you self-administer

the easy, painless therapy at home in less than 1 minute,

it instantly floods your cells and tissues with oxygen. All

disease microorganisms, viruses, microbes and pathogens

die in high-oxygen environments because they are

ANAEROBIC (i.e., they seek out and thrive in

low-oxygen environments).

Your healthy cells, on the other hand, are AEROBIC, which

means that they not only thrive but become

rejuvenated and revitalized in the presence of oxygen,

thereby promoting vibrant health.

All told, the one-minute cure is your best bet for

reducing your chances of getting cancer (or any other

disease) down to ZERO - and preventing disease from

invading your body, to begin with.

In this world where disease is so prevalent, and

practically no one escapes disease, you owe it to

yourself to discover the one-minute solution to

all your health fears and worries. Disease doesn't have

to scare you anymore, nor does it have to make you

feel helpless, or worse, dependent on expensive

drugs, procedures and therapies offered by

organized medicine.

Take control of your health today by giving yourself

the gift of "The One-Minute Cure: The Secret to Healing

Virtually All Diseases." Go to:

and get your copy before enterprises,

cartels and agencies whose trillion-dollar

empire is threatened by this information force this book

out of circulation.

Here's a sneak peek at what you'll find in "The One-Minute


* Why cancerous tumors shrink in the presence of

this natural substance -- and inhibits the growth

of other tumors and disease tissues as well.

Featured case study: A scientific experiment

which showed how tumors disappeared within 15 to

60 days after this substance was administered in

drinking water. -- see page 61

* How this therapy has become the choice therapy

for treating drastic cases of emphysema -- many

patients have reported that the therapy has

improved their breathing so much that they no

longer need oxygen tanks and wheelchairs -- see

page 79

* Did you know ... that expensive interferon drugs

owe their efficacy to raising the body's oxygen level?

Find out how this natural substance employs the same

mechanism of action as interferon -- without producing

side effects -- and why it is now being used as an

inexpensive alternative to interferon for the treatment

of Multiple Sclerosis -- see page 66

* How this simple therapy causes your body to cure itself

of cancer -- even in cases when the disease wasn't caught

early, and even if it's a late-stage cancer -- see page 44

* Keep your pets healthy, too - Administering this natural

oxygenating substance in the drinking water of your dog,

cat, horse or other pets cures everything from heartworms

to parasites to feline leukemia -- without the use of pet

medications. It has even been given to race horses

to improve endurance and shorten recovery times after

races. -- see page 93

Go to:

to discover all of this and more.

Wishing you the best of health and freedom from disease,

Your Friend


by: januszjanulis
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Kill The Cancer Right Away