Style Rules Of The Double Breasted Suit
There is no mistaking it: the double breasted suit is a must-have item in men's fashion today
. A style item back in its Prohibition Era heyday, the double breasted suit has been given a few much needed updates by numerous fashion labels, and is the hottest thing you could have today. If you're one of those guys who's about to take the plunge into double breasted suiting, here are a few things you should know about the DB.
Keep It Real
Of all the items in men's fashion that you could possibly wear, double breasted suits send some of the strongest messages about power and status you could get, short of a power tie. But when you're wearing that loud of a statement, you'd better have some of that power and status to back your outfit up when the real deal arrives.
Bosses, power brokers and corner office executives wear DB suits; clerks and entry level staffers don't. It's that simple. Not that there's any sort of hierarchy enforced in men's fashion, but it's going to be awkward showing up in the office with something like a DB when it's not appropriate for your position, at least, not yet.
Keep It Trim
That goes for all aspects of the suit. Minimalism is the name of the fashion game when it comes to double breasted suits. You don't want things to flashy else you run the risk of channeling Al Capone in all the wrong ways. The strength of the modern DB comes from the fact that it's understated and subtle, yet so traditional and sartorial at the same time.
Start with the cut: stay away from the boxy cuts and overdone shoulder pads of decades past. Stick to a trim silhouette; have it cut like your favorite single breasted suit, and pass on those shoulder pads. You'll also want to keep the jacket as short as possible. And if your lapels are visible to your eyes without your even looking straight down, you know they're much too wide for you.
Keep It Simple
Most fashion pundits agree that the new double breasted suit looks great, but it always looks its best when nothing else distracts the viewer from its six (or four) buttoned glory. That's why you should keep everything else in your outfit as simple as possible.
Restrict your style options to a plain solid shirt in white or some near white color (sky blue works great) worn with a strong, dark necktie. You can have some bold stripes or an unusual color on the tie, but all in all the other pieces should never steal attention away from your DB. Skip the paisley shirt and knit necktie; that's what single breasted suits are meant to be worn with.
Keep It Buttoned
Every guy you know probably walks around at least some of the time with his single breasted suit unbuttoned all the way. Although this adds casual flair to that variety of suit, it's not a very practical or fashionable option on the DB.
Aside from its structure, the double breasted suit makes an impact with its unusual count and arrangement of buttons. All six (or four) of them are there for a reason; button up. It won't just create the correct slimmer silhouette for you; buttoning up also helps the jacket itself keep its shape as it hangs from your body. Besides, a double breasted jacket that's open all the way and flapping as you walk has rarely been proven as attractive.
Keep Just One
Fashion magazines and style guides all recommend that you get numerous single breasted suits in various colors and fabrics. For double breasted suits, though, one is all you'll ever need. Anything more will most likely be just a waste of money on your part.
Observe the same style standards that you would when picking out a single breasted suit. Go for classic, solid colors like black, navy or charcoal gray. Minimize unnecessary items like brass buttons and contrast stitching; in fact, the best double breasted suits are almost always the simplest ones at the shop.
by: Hendrik Pohl
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