Keep Your Mind Wide Open And Welcome Success Into Your Life

Share: Success, in most people's imagination, is like a slippery eel that will slide past your grasp before you even know you had it in the first place
. Most people see it as a giant that will take their entire lives to get in chains; some of those people give up hallway foolishly thinking they are being wise and spend the rest of their lives trying to convince themselves they did the right thing. Most people are so overwhelmed when they get it to hold on to it in a beneficial way. Every now and then though, steps up a person with a well-conditioned mind and because of that well-conditioned mind they stand apart in a group.
The good news is, contrary to what is common belief, these people, these leaders; not all of them were born with greatness. As Shakespeare said, "Be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them". What he did not mention and I am going to drop this bomb right here. Of course some people are born great but the ratio of people who achieve greatness is far more than those people with obvious God given gifts. That is right. This is something we don't learn usually. We are almost never told that everybody has a leader in them and that they hold the key to success. Now leadership and success are quite vast topics and I am not going to get into it at the moment. What I am going to put into light though is one of many simple ways of how we can jump out of the "most people" group into the "person that stands out".
Keep your mind wide open. Does not seem much when you read it the first time, in fact, does not even make sense. But these five words may very well be what we need to become the leader we never thought we could be. Now, what does it mean? It means to learn to look at things a bit more open minded. Success has a lot to do with how you look at things. Here is how:
Challenges are an imminent part of life. You are as sure to come across them as death itself. Now, for most people, challenges become a burden. An unnecessary difficulty that is in their way. But tweaking the way you look at them, opening your mind wide open lets you see that challenges will leave you wiser, stronger, and better than you were before then. That too is as sure as death itself. Resolve to use the lessons that challenges and its sister mistakes taught you and you will learn to welcome them. Because these are the lessons that will ultimately help you to achieve your goals. Make mistakes, love challenges, but learn from it all and success will be yours.
But what is success? Everybody has their own definition of success and in today's fickle and materialistic world, the concept of success boils down to having money and status. That seems well enough since today more than ever Darwin's concept of "survival of the fittest" is into play in this cut throat world. So, if it is that of money and status, or of becoming a philanthropist define your idea of success, decide exactly what you want. Keep your mind focused on it and ways will show them of how to get there. Just decide the "what" and there will be several "how"s presenting themselves. Your future will ride on your choices though, so consider all possible ways to move ahead and pick the one that seems the best.
Do not think that you are above the rules; they are there for a reason. If you think you can achieve success by not following the rules that have been passed down generations after generations you might as well get a fly swatter right now and start hunting flies. They have been proven to work and do not fool yourself trying to believe you are above them. Learn to look at the rules as guidelines and you will be successful.
Be prepared to work hard. Do not run away from it. Nothing worth it in life comes without hard work. Learn to look at hard work as an opportunity of obtaining something worth it and you will see that you will be energized for it. You might even look for it. And when you start doing that, you know you are on the right track.
Be brave. Be strong. Learn to let go of the past. Obviously you cannot change the past so why bother wishing you could? If there are any burdens weighing you down emotionally or spiritually, dump them. I know it is easier said than done but learn to look at the positive aspects of everything, and there are positive aspects of everything, and eventually you will see you are free of the burdens of the past. Take risks. Take chances. Make mistakes. Learn that everything happens for the best and you will be at success's doorstep.
Last of all; believe in the person in the mirror. That person is a miracle. Sure you have made some mistakes along the way but that is life. Persevere. Believe you are meant to do something great. Believe that all the hardship in your life so far is to serve a purpose. Believe in yourself and you will be great!
Success is a heavy word. Seems a far shot. But simply changing the way you look at things, changing your perspective may help you get there. Nobody is perfect. We all have room for improvement. But success makes the improvement worth a while. It is the crowning of your life. And yet simple things like these can help you bring that.
by: Chris Dcruz
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