It's Not Difficult To Make Money, It's Just Different

Share: First off, I am not gay
First off, I am not gay. Do not approach me if you're looking for that kind of relationship. The only reason I say that is because I have experience where I've mentioned some of my gay friends, and those who are gay kind of put their antenna up. This is off limits.
However, it all started with the insights that one of my dear gay friends from New York City, a man named Troy, gave me. And it happened in conversations-and by the way, we met in business, and we both have sensitive souls, so that's the connection. It's not the connection of same sexual preference. And to his credit, he has never made a pass of that kind.
He knows I'm tolerant and couldn't care less, but by my own preference, it would never happen.
But he's the one who taught me the concept of "not bad, just different." "Not bad, just different". And you know, the truth of the matter is, in our conversations that would go on for 30-40 minutes at a time, he pulled that out of me.

Share: And it wasn't even during talking about his lifestyle, but when he repeated it, click, you knew it pertained to what he had suffered through, what he had had to endure, because being gay is not the mainstream lifestyle.
I said it, and he confirmed it. And it seemed that it was basically the position that he had been holding about his sexuality and his adventures. "Not bad, just different".
Well, hey, I'm willing to go along with that. And then I run across the greatest hypnotist of all time, at least according to his own publicity. But he is a sharp, sharp dude-Marshall Sylver. And he is making massive amounts of money, and he did develop from having nothing... less than nothing.
At one time he lived, he actually lived, in a chicken coop. Today he's a multi-millionaire with a 17,000-square-foot palace in Las Vegas, jet-setting in his own private jet.
And so he has some advice to give about money, and acquiring money. I tell you, my friend, it's amazing-when we were talking recently, talking specifically about advice to give to people, he said those words. It struck me, and it harmonized with the chord that my gay friend had said. He said it.
"Making's not difficult to make money, it's just different."
You see, most people buy what they've been taught-just like the gay has learned to live outside the system, despite all the work they're doing to incorporate into the system. The entrepreneur is outside the system also.
Grab hold and do it! Give yourself this self talk: "You are doing what you need to do right now. It's not difficult to make money, it's just different."
by: Ted Ciuba
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