It's The Economy Stupid, It's All Good

Share: All is well in the Land of Lincoln
All is well in the Land of Lincoln. The Springfield Illinois economy is doing better than most with unemployment second lowest in the state, home sales up, home prices up, and running on optimism.
As the spokesperson for the University of Illinois Economics department said of their rating on the local economy, they are cautiously optimistic. A rating of 100 means economic growth, and they were excited because the rating has shot up to 70!
Think of the grade scale when you were in school. It might not be a good idea to run home shouting for joy if your grades averaged 70, only one point from failing. Not at least at my house. No sense of humor could be detected at grade time. Of course that was in the 60's when the three R's were pounded into our heads, and American history into our hearts.
Now that the federal government has blessed the housing market by expanding and extending home buyer tax credits, compliments of the U.S. taxpayer, all is right with the world. Oh wait a minute those tax credits have expiration dates, what could the government be thinking?

Share: Could taxpayers across this country really be tired of spending their money helping people buy a home in Springfield, Illinois by the end of April? Is that the limit of their compassion? So it seems, as the congress definitively stated, no more extensions would be granted. Damn, what will we do after April 30?
Wait a minute, I think I know why taxpayers don't want to help home buyers anymore! After buying their stakes in GM, Chrysler, banks, insurance companies, wall street giants, clunkers, and home buyers; they've decided to save lives, save Medicare, and save money by being taxed $700 billion, and having their insurance premiums hiked so 30 million more Americans can have health insurance! They may not get any health care, but by God they'll have insurance.
We're up to a grade of 70 in Springfield, only 15.7 million people have lost their jobs in the U.S., unemployment in Illinois is a paltry 11%, a mere10.5% across the country, predicted to rise to 11%. If 11% unemployment is good enough for Durbin's, and Obama's Illinois, it's good enough for everyone!
Now is the time to pass the largest entitlement program in history that will lead to socialized medicine, so we can save money, and lives! Don't forget we're saving Medicare too by cutting a half trillion dollars from spending! Great! That's like helping a scuba diver breathe by pinching the hose to their oxygen tank.
Besides the Stimulus is working! We saved 50 jobs in Arkansas by buying a $1000 lawnmower from our $787 billion dollar slush fund, and it only takes $100 million to buy a Louisiana Senator! Not to worry we've got great credit. Run a little short just borrow it or print it! The interest payment by 2019 is only going to be around $700 billion a year.
Just think how the hyper inflation our policies are leading us into will help in paying that debt. By then $700 billion will be the average annual workers pay. Just think one worker can pay our debt. Wonder who will volunteer?
And Jack Welch retired CEO of General Electric said Obama economic policies are 'insane'. What does he know compared to Geithner? Just because you cheat on your taxes doesn't mean you're stupid. And Bernanke keeping interest rates too low for too long isn't the same as when Greenspan did it. Remember we don't have enough people working to cause a bubble. The plan is working!
The only way things could be better for America today is if Groucho Marx had married Karl Marx sister and had a baby in Mogadishu while serving in the military, and that baby runs for president in 2016. Darned old term limits. By 2016 things will really be going well.
It's the economy stupid. It's all good. Obama and company have everything going just the way they planned to change it. There is something to be grateful for this Thanksgiving. What Obama is doing for the economy, he is doing even more for national security.
Thank God for Hope and Change. I hope everyone at your house has a sense of humor, until we can change in 2010, and 2012.
by: Fritz Pfister
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