Is There Panic Attack Treatment Without Medication?
Is There Panic Attack Treatment Without Medication
Yes, there is panic attack treatment without medication. Anti-depressants and anti-stress tablets are not the only solution for panic episodes. In fact, if you would conduct a survey among doctors and their stand on prescribing medications to patients suffering from the condition, it may surprise you to discover that most of them would pretty be conservative. As panic attack is the body's natural fight-or-flight response, it is generally not considered harmful and many doctors support the natural means in dealing with it.
The basic panic attack treatment without medication is by relaxation. This can be achieved through any or all of the following:
Relaxed breathing Being able to breathe calmly can significantly reduce the physical symptoms of panic attacks. When you are anxious or panicking, it is normal to feel lightheaded or dizzy. Upon feeling these symptoms, you may feel even more panicky, which, you know will not make the situation any better. So, to ensure that it will not happen, you should learn how to achieve relaxed breathing. Breathe slowly. You may inhale through the nose and then exhale through the mouth. Do some counting too. Remember that you are trying to breathe calmly NOT to stop the attack but to ride it out a little more easily. When you think the former, it could stress you further and aggravate the episode.
Relax your muscles Another panic attack treatment without medication is muscle relaxation. Relaxing your body by targeting one muscle group at a time can decrease your overall tension. The more relaxed you are, the less panicky you will become.
Create motivation cards Of course, you cannot create cards while you are in the middle of a panic attack. However, if you know that you are prone to having one, you can prepare for it by making motivation cards that will challenge your fears. Write something like "It's not going to last forever" or "It's not the end of the world". They may sound weird but they can surely help in composing yourself.
Think positive Once your breathing has pretty much stabilized and the motivation cards are starting to make sense, take step further and challenge yourself to think positive. Tell yourself that you can make it. If you had attacks like this before and were able to recover, you can also recuperate now. Remind yourself of the people you love and the happy memories you had with them. In order to make more memories like those, you have to manage this situation well.
Panic attack treatment without medication is possible especially if you know that the root cause of your attacks is a specific fear. You can do something to avoid this fear, but when it is inevitable to come face to face with it, at least you can resort to the next best strategy which is learning how to relax. Relaxation will not only help you recover from a panic episode but will also promote wise decision making in everything that you do.
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