Tell Me About ADHD – Overview, Statistics, and Possible Treatment Options
Tell Me About ADHD Overview, Statistics, and Possible Treatment Options
ADHD stands for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, with the hyperactivity part being added a few years ago to reflect an important component which exists in about half of all ADHD individuals. But while hyperactivity is generally considered to be the most in your face symptom it is not the one that confirms a diagnosis, rather it is attention deficit (inattention/distractibility) which must be present for a diagnosis.
ADHD begins very early in life, and is generally recognized before the age of 7 and sometimes as early as the age of 4. Many parents may suspect their child has ADHD but the realization that this is indeed the case may not become obvious until their child is exposed to a structured environment such as that which exists in elementary school. It is in this environment that the ADHD child's inability to concentrate or focus, along with behavioral clues, start to expose the presence of this mental health disorder.
The ADHD child will also struggle with organization, tend to be unusually forgetful, and establish a pattern of anti-social behavior that may exclude them from social activities.
The condition appears to have it roots in the biology of the brain which is driven by an imbalance in two important chemical messengers (neurotransmitters) dopamine and norepinephrine.
The condition can also be inherited with just under 50 percent of ADHD kids being born into families with at least one parent with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
When a family is all ADHD, so to speak, the plot thickens as the parents may struggle with the very same issues as their children, making finding effective in home solutions a difficult task.
Approximately two out of every ten children with ADHD have a learning disability of some sort, with just shy of eight out of every ten becoming academic underperformers.
Those who struggle with academics will tend to have sloppy handwriting, their schoolwork will be messy and lack organization, and be filled with careless mistakes, giving their teachers the impression that little thought or effort was applied.
ADHD children will tend to be daydreamers, especially when school subjects no longer interest them. If they aren't daydreaming they will simply tune out their teacher/teachers.
Just under half of ADHD children have issues with self esteem, anxiety, depression, aggression, and authority as they enter into adolescence. And finally six out of ten young children with the condition will have temper tantrums that occur both more often and with greater intensity.
As you can see attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a complicated problem requiring some type of intervention combined with the full support of parents, teachers, and other family members.
For those children struggling with ADHD finding an effective treatment option is another important step in finding a solution. The most common form of treatment currently are the very popular prescription stimulants Ritalin and Adderall. While effective, all stimulant medications come with a number of serious label warnings.
The risk of side effects, the lack of success with stimulants, or the desire to lead a more natural lifestyle has prompted many to parent of ADHD children to look into other options. A couple examples of these are behavior modification therapy and/or natural remedies.
Natural remedies for ADHD are a side effect free way to address such problematic symptoms as inattention, distractibility, impulsivity, erratic behavior and hyperactivity and can be used both as a standalone treatment or as a compliment to other non-prescription alternatives.
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Tell Me About ADHD – Overview, Statistics, and Possible Treatment Options Casper