Is There A Rosacea Flushing Treatment?
There are millions of people who suffer from Rosacea and are looking for a rosacea flushing treatment
. This article will cover some of the options you have as a rosacea sufferer.
There is a rosacea flushing treatment that can help people that suffer with this condition. There are several on the market that have been proven to help people that have to deal with minimal to intense flushing related to rosacea. This can range from a mildly annoying symptom to one that deeply embarrasses the one that has to suffer through daily exposure to the remarks of others. This symptom is caused when the blood vessels in the face enlarge with increased blood flow. It is more prominent in women than men.
This flushing can occur through the T-zone and under the eyes. In more severe cases, the redness can extend to the eyes themselves, causing a change in appearance and physical discomfort. Since the flushing or reddening of the skin is one of the most noticeable symptoms of rosacea, many people want to treat this as soon as it occurs.
While there is not a known cure for rosacea, there are treatments that can help take care of the symptoms. Some treatments are topical, providing a person with a soothing cream, lotion or ointment to apply directly to the affected area. This form of a rosacea flushing treatment can be made from natural and man-made additives, and some people find them to have more of an overall benefit than harsh cleansers and treatments. Common topical applications can include:
Sodium sulfacetamide with sulfur
Azelaic acid
Other rosacea flushing treatments come in oral form, with the ability to deal with the more severe cases of rosacea, including the redness in the eyes. These products are prescribed by doctors and can include antibiotics as a part of the regimen. Some prescription medicines have symptoms that can actually mimic the problems they are trying to resolve, so unfamiliar medications should be researched before taking. Also, any doctor that is seen for rosacea needs to know if a person has allergies or intolerances to drugs, to avoid a potentially hazardous or life threatening situation.
The drugs that doctors commonly use to treat rosacea are:
There are other drugs that can be administered by a doctor, both orally and topically. The decision on which drug would work best for specific situations should be discussed in-depth before taking for any length of time.
These drugs work because they kill the bacteria that have been associated with rosacea. When the bacteria irritate the skin, the redness occurs. The drugs and creams can be used as a rosacea flushing treatment separately, or in some cases, depending on ingredients, can be used together. Any combination of cream and oral antibiotic used to treat rosacea should be discussed with a doctor prior to use.
With these topical creams or prescription medications, people that suffer daily from the red flushing that occurs with rosacea can get the help they need. With a rosacea flushing treatment, it is possible to treat the symptoms to add to the over all sense of well being. This can contribute to being less self- conscious and gaining more personal confidence to face any situation with.
by: Ann Williams
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