Male Impotence Treatment And Natural Cure Of Erectile Dysfunction
Male impotence is also known as erectile dysfunction and is the lack of a person's physiological sexual ability
. In this condition, a man suffers from the inability to develop or maintain an erection of the penis sufficient for satisfactory sexual performance. To understand the causes and reasons for impotence in males, it is necessary to understand the mechanism of the erection.
An erection occurs when blood enters the many spaces inside the penis; it may be understood as hydraulic action. The blood is then retained inside the penis to maintain the erection.
Causes of Male Impotence
Common causes of erection problems include:
1.Diseases and conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart or thyroid conditions, poor blood flow, depression, or neurologic disorders (such as multiple sclerosis or Parkinson's disease)
2.Medications such as blood pressure medications (especially beta-blockers), heart medications (such as digoxin), some peptic ulcer medications, sleeping pills, and antidepressants
3.Nerve damage from prostate surgery
4.Nicotine, alcohol, or cocaine use
5.Poor communication with your partner
6.Repeated feelings of doubt and failure or negative
communication that reinforce the erection problems
7.Spinal cord injury
8.Stress, fear, anxiety, or anger
9.Unrealistic sexual expectations, which make sex a task rather than a pleasure
Prevention from Male Impotence
For many men, lifestyle changes can help:
1.Cut down on smoking, alcohol, and illegal drugs.
2.Get plenty of rest and take time to relax.
3.Exercise and eat a healthy diet to maintain good circulation.
4.Use safe sex practices, which reduces fear of HIV and STDs.
5.Talk openly to your partner about sex and your relationship. If you are unable to do this, counseling can help.
Natural Remedies for Male Impotence
1.Do keep your arteries clear! A good way to flush your arteries of plaque or cholesterol is by eating a low fat and low cholesterol diet.
2.Don't eat processed foods! Processed or fast foods tend to be artery cloggers which lower circulation levels and cause impotence.
3.Do eat fiber! Fiber is a way to flush your system and arteries. Fiber found in fruits and vegetables (water soluble fiber) is shown to naturally flush your body. It also boosts circulation levels.
4.Do supplement gingko. This herbal supplement has been shown to reverse impotence symptoms. In other words, you can supplement gingko and increase circulation downstairs.
5.Don't get too stressed! Stress is conducive with impotence. You should find different ways to relax. Some common ways to relax are reading a book, meditating, breathing techniques, taking a nap, trying a glass of wind or just closing your eyes.
6.Do eat smaller meals! If you eat meals about the size of your fist you will find that you lose weight and you will have higher circulation levels. Eating large meals makes you feel tired because of the circulation needed for digestion.
7.Do generate a sweat. Exercising and getting your daily sweat will keep stress low and keep circulation levels high. It will also flush your body of cholesterol and plaque.
by: Dr Charles Buchar
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