Is Cheap Motorbike Insurance Worth It In The Long Term?

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In this article we will take a look at the type of coverage that is offered when you buy motorbike insurance. As you know, there are not many differences in insurance coverage between cars and motorbikes. There however are a few differences due to the different structures of the two vehicles. Premium as you know, is decided by the insurance company concerned, based on many factors such as the age of the rider, the type of vehicle he rides, the security of the bike and of course the driving record of the rider applying for motorbike insurance. Apart from the minimum coverage that is usually offered for motorbike insurance, there are add-ons such as "comprehensive", "liability", "collision" "Uninsured Motorist" and "Underinsured Motorist". Comprehensive - Covers everything less deductibles if your motorcycle is stolen, vandalized or burnt. Liability - Although you can get coverage for minimum liability due to third part injuries, it is always advisable to take at least twice or three time more than the minimum and if possible "Passenger Liability" as well to give protection to a passenger riding pillion on your motorbike. Collision - Very important for motorbike insurance and covers accident damage that extends only to the factory made components of your bike and not for those extra gadgets fitted by you. If you need to cover those as well, you will have to pay extra for that. Uninsured & Underinsured Motorist - The first is in case the idiot who causes the crash is not insured to pay your medical bills and any losses you incur, while the second type of coverage is when the one who causes the accident doesn't have enough motorbike insurance to cover all your damages. There are some factors that will help to reduce your motorbike rates and that is by proving to the motorbike insurance company, that you are a safe and responsible rider who has a clean driving record. You can also get better rates and even discounts if you assure them that you take personal precautions as well by wearing safety helmets, jackets and riding gloves as well as keeping your bike locked whenever it's not in use. Motorcycles are expensive items and finding good motorbike insurance will also cut into you budget if you're planning to get full coverage. Most companies tend to take into consideration the cost of replacing the bike in case of an accident or theft when calculating the insurance premiums. Even if you think that a good policy costs you too much, keep in mind, if you ever meet with an accident, (we certainly hope you don't) the resultant expenses will be even more horrendous and unless you have comprehensive motorbike insurance, you will rue the day you decided to take out a cheap policy.
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