Surveys have found time and time again that one of the main reasons people don't purchase life insurance protection for their families is because they do not want to take a physical exam or worse they do not want to be subject to a blood draw. Is there a way to purchase life insurance without all the hassle, time involved and quite frankly without getting poked by a needle? Yes.
Their are several carriers that will now provide quality affordable life insurance without a medical exam or blood work. Depending on your age you may actually qualify for up to $350,000 of protection with no exam or blood. All that is usually required is the answers to some medical questions and perhaps a copy of your doctor's records submitted to the carrier. Within days you may be approved for coverage.
In addition, the coverage provided can lock in guaranteed level rates for 10 years, 15 year, 20 years, 30 years or even lifetime level rates depending on your needs. But, you may askhow easy is it to apply and do I have to meet with an agent? The great thing about this protection is it can mostly all be handled online or by telephone. No more meeting with an agent or worrying about being pushed in to buying something you don't need. Simply answer a few questions and submit your application electronically and within days you could have the coverage your family needs.
If youwant to look into more information regarding this easy way to apply for up to $350,000 of protection simply go to and check out the rates.