Car insurance is required by law to provide coverage for drivers, personal property and injury to others resulting from an automobile accident. In order to actually benefit from your insurance policy you must understand the claims process and what steps you must take to ensure you covered. Failure to properly process a claim may result in high out-of-pocket expenses you cannot afford. The team at Ron Carter Ford provides the following tips to help you manage your insurance claim properly.
Determine if a claim is necessary- There are accidents which obviously call for a claim, while others may be better off handled by individual parties involved. When an insurance claim is filed, the result may be higher insurance premiums. If the accident is minor and no one is injured, it may be more cost effective to pay for repairs without filing a claim.
Become familiar with the claims process- Ford dealers in Houston encourage all drivers to become familiar with the claims process before an accident occurs. It may be beneficial to jot down a few notes detailing the steps you should take after an accident. Place this information in your glove box with other important insurance documents.
Document the accident- Police reports, witness statements and even pictures can go a long way toward proving damage when your file your insurance claim. Memories fade and stories change, therefore documenting the accident immediately will provide your insurance company with the evidence needed to support your claim.
File your claim- Once you have decided you are in fact filing a claim, do so as soon as possible. Contact your insurance company immediately and provide all necessary documentation to get the claims process started. Houston Ford dealers remind drivers the sooner they file their claim, the sooner they will see results.