Fosamax :

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Fosamax :
Fosamax is an Osteoporotic Drug:
Fosamax, manufactured by Merck, is a prescription drug that is used to treat osteoporosis and Paget's disease. Fosamax was approved by the FDA in 1995 has been taken by some twenty million patients. This drug is a member of the bisphosphonate class of drugs and works by altering bone recycling processes by inhibiting bone breakdown.

Share: Fosamax Therapy is Linked to Bone Damage:
Although Fosamax is meant to strengthen bone for individuals who are losing bone mass, it has been linked to osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ) and femur fractures. In September 2010, the American Society of Bone and Mineral Research released a study that provides a link between femur fractures and bisphosphonates such as Fosamax. The study looked at 310 cases of rare femur fractures and found that in 291 cases the patients had been taking bisphosphonates. It has been suggested that bisphosphonate drug labels should be changed to alert patients and healthcare providers of the femur fracture risk associated with long-term use of Fosamax and related generics. The FDA is currently considering these recommendations. These fosamax injuries have initiated a number of Fosamax lawsuits.
Fosamax Health Risks and Side effects:
One of the most common side effects of Fosamax therapy is stomach pain. Less common side effects indicating fosamax injuries include:
First occurrence or worsening of heartburn
Chest pain
Difficulty swallowing
Vomiting (bloody or coffee ground type)
Bloody or black stools
Mouth sores
Swelling of the face, lips or tongue
Difficulty breathing
Eye pain
Flu-like symptoms
Irritation of the esophagus or ulcerations
Muscle/joint pain
Other side effects reported include:
Change in taste
You should report these side effects to your healthcare provider.
If you are thinking of taking Fosamax therapy there are certain things you should discuss with your healthcare provider. Let your doctor know if you have any allergies to Fosamax or other allergies to foods, preservatives or dyes. Also report any digestion, throat, intestine, kidney or stomach problems you may have as Fosamax may worsen these conditions. It is important that you can sit or stand upright for at least thirty minutes after taking Fosamax. If you can't, it is possible for this drug to cause severe throat damage. It is also important that you have a proper diet and maintain healthy levels of calcium and vitamin D.
If you have experienced an unusual femur fracture, osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ), or any of the serious fosamax injuries listed above while on Fosamax therapy you may be entitled to financial compensation for pain and suffering, lost wages and medical expenses. Fosamax Lawsuits are currently being filed across the country.
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