Information On Breast Cancer
Breast cancer is a type of cancer that is almost unique to females
, it is found in the breast tissue. It is most commonly found in the inner linings of the milk ducts. Breast cancer can be deadly and rarely is, but more than 95 % of affceted patients survive. Treatment of breast cancer includes drugs and radiation and in extreme casses, surgery is inevtibale. Surgery can be costly for certain sections of the society but breast cancer donations can prove to be helpful.
At the research wings, various technological inputs are used to facilitate the effectiveness of the breast cancer medication. Various government organisations contribute to the breast cancer research and another method of income are the Breast cancer donations.
Breast cancer is found to be the second most common type of cancer other than skin cancers after lung cancer allthough their victim mostly women. Because of this reason, it is neccasary to spread info about Breast cancer to the people.
Breast cancer is often indicated by lumps in the breast and sometimes lumps in the armpits can also indicate breast cancer. About 80% of the affected females identify breast cancer using this symptom and while they have just discovered it recently, it had been growing for a number of years. Pain in the breast is not a symptom of breast cancer but could be symptoms of other breast related diseases.
There are various risks to be affected be breast cancer. For example, a person who has been affected by breast cancer in one of the breasts has a good chance to be affected in the other breast aswell. There can also be a danger of getting breast cancer if any of the family members are affected by breast cancer.
However, with the current state of Breast cancer medication and research provided by the hospitals, the falality rate has been reduced to almost nil.
by: Cynthia
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