Breast cancer being the second most common disease in the world excluding the skin cancer makes it is subjectable to large amounts of research
. Research towards breast cancer is neccasary allthough treatment and breast cancer medication is availble because the current treatment takes a long time. Many families also depend on the female's income for a comfortable life and breast cancer makes it diffcult for females to work effeciently and since the treatment is also long and requires constant attention, it adds to the burden.
is under way but funding is neccasary to speed up the process and proper funding is contributed through Breast cancer donations. A part of the research is also identifying methods to spread info about breast cancers so that people are aware of the symtoms. All though Breast Cancer Medication is available, if patients are reported at the final stage of breast cancer, the present medication might prove to be useless.
Breast cancer can also affect men but it is highly unlikely. Only about 1200 men are reported having breast cancer totally. Since the treatment for male and female breast cancers are simlar, not much dedicated research is essential for male breast cancers.
foundations have been set up in various nations and these foundations are dedicated to refining the current breast cancer medication. Certain examples are NBCF - National Breast Cancer foundation in Australia and BCF - Breast cancer foundation in India. Certain affiliated Hospitals also conduct with government permits.
Breast cancer donations are being initiated by various corporates to help the victims. One famous indian company called Karbonn Mobiles used the Indian Premier league as an oppertunity to contribute to the Breast cancer Foundation. They made a total contribution of $650,000.