Increased Home/business Security Equals Lower Insurance Costs

Share: Many dont realize that increasing security at the home or the office can help lower your insurance costs
. A lot of insurance companies reward customers for safe driving records and for having a GPS tracking device on board. Likewise, they are now rewarding home and business owners who take measures to lessen their risks of property intrusion and other potential hazards like fire.
Where can you find out about this information? Look to your security professional, who can assess your property regarding security set-up and upgrades, and steer you toward the insurance companies that offer the best rewards for security-minded policy holders. Security pros stay abreast of this information in order to inspire potential customers to invest in their products. And in fact, many of the fees of added security are offset by the insurance discounts youll receive in return.
Dont forget that youll also be paying for monthly monitoring fees; with the right planning, those costs can be totally offset as well. In any case, many find the added peace of mind is worth the cost of any amount of security. All one needs to experience to know this is true is to find yourself victim of a break-in or a fire disaster; helping prevent these kinds of horrific experiences is exactly the objective of home and office security.
Many of your possessions are priceless, and others have great sentimental value as well. By taking sensible measures to safeguard your property, such as investing in a monitored security service, you will be seen as a good risk by most insurance companies.

Share: How else can you improve your security and save money on your insurance bills? Try installing fireproof roofing and a fire extinguishing system, giving your staff access to fire safety classes, and putting in fire barriers that shield parts of your building that otherwise are not protected.
Another major fire hazard is faulty electrical wiring. Upgrading the electrical services and equipment in your home or business can not only help prevent fire-related disasters, but it can also help you save money on your insurance by reducing your risk.
Modest measures can often reap significant rewards when insurance companies are made aware of your total security efforts. By protecting the structure of your home or office as well as adding other security measures in and around the property, you increase your chances of getting a favorable policy rate. Precaution is the optimal cure, and most insurance companies reward you for having sound security.
Consult with your insurance agent as to whether your new home or business security precautions will end up costing less in the long haul than you thought.
by: Joan Methew
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