How Home Building Insurance Can Help You To Rebuild Your Life

Share: Okay, so the area in which you live has never been hit by a flood
, at least not in your lifetime? Perhaps you've never known anyone whose house has burned down, so what are chances of yours burning down?
You probably believe it's not very likely? Well, if statistics are anything to go by, I wouldn't be too sure about that. After all, in the UK fire fighters are called out every 30 seconds somewhere in the country. In my books that's a stark warning concerning the risk of house fires.
Flooding has also become increasingly prevalent in the UK lately. In fact, at the time of writing this article, a website called 'UK Flood' has 17 flood warnings in place, together with a staggering 63 flood watches. Remember, you don't have to be hit by a major flood in order for your property to be damaged.
Even a relatively minor flood can result in thousands of pounds worth of damage and of course many home owners simply don't have that type of money to spare. For people is that sort of situation, being without building insurance can be disastrous, in that they simply won't be able to repair their homes.

Share: Many UK residents don't believe there's any reason to be concerned about earthquake damage and as such, many don't bother getting themselves adequately covered.Unfortunately, an earthquake can strike anywhere and it can happen at any time. For example, a quake measuring 4.3 on the Richter Scale struck the tiny town of Folkestone in Kent, England.
More than 450 properties were damaged, with 74 of them being so severely damaged; they were classed as being unfit for human habitation. Insurance claims which followed amounted to more than 30 million pounds and while this may sound very reasonable, one needs to bear in mind that only 40% of the damaged homes were insured at the time. One can only wonder how all those other home owners managed to rebuild their lives and their homes.
Sure, there's not much you can do to prevent earthquakes, but there certainly are things you can do to minimise the chances of a house fire and providing you do, you can expect to pay less for building insurance. For example, you need to make sure your home has a fire alarm. There should also be smoke detectors installed throughout the home and if at all possible, even a sprinkler system.
Theft and vandalism are perhaps the most common cause for people submitting insurance claims and of course the insurance companies are only too well aware of this. Obviously, insurance companies favour those people who make an effort to deter thieves. This means that you make substantial savings on your building insurance if you meet certain criteria.
In other words, your property should be protected by a recognised alarm system, preferably one which includes CCTV. Additional lighting can also help to lower premiums, hence the reason why many people choose to have security lights fitted which controlled by motion sensors.
No matter how many steps you've taken in order to reduce the risk of fire and/or theft, you should still be willing to shop around online before making any final decision regarding building insurance. Go ahead and get several quotes so that you can compare the different deals each company is offering you. Remember though, the most expensive quote is not always the best, just as the cheapest quote may not necessarily be the worst.
by: Tom Jones
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