Increase Your Confidence By Speed Dating

Share: Speed dating isn't really for you if you are shy and retiring as you need to make
some kind of impression if you want other daters to be interested enough to want to see you again. It is a much easier way to meet other singles however, so put a brave face on and get to a few events to see what it's all about. If you go with a list of questions you will be fine, if you do get nervous then you can surreptitiously refer to them so you don't run out of things to say. As it involves walking into a room and meeting a lot of strangers with the prospect of getting a date, then you do need a certain level of confidence but just remember everyone else there is in the same situation as you.
If you are a little on the shy side then it beats hanging out at bars in the hope you'll meet someone suitable enough to take home and meet your parents, never mind spending the rest of your life with. There are plenty more advantages than the traditional methods of getting a date, you don't have to need a certain level like a possible partners, and it is much safer and a lot more fun than meeting people online.
The opportunity to meet a number of single people of the opposite sex is just too good to miss. And all you have to do is spend a few minutes with them! How easy is that? Out of 20 or more possible partners the odds are you are likely to at least make a first date, and then just see what happens from there. If it doesn't turn out then there are plenty more speed dating events to keep on trying.
Speed dating is actually good practice for honing up your flirting skills and chat up lines. As you have so many people asking you various questions, you become quite adept at giving short witty or interesting answers, which can come in handy for everyday situations where you could just as likely meet someone. They can also boost your confidence as the more events you go to the more at ease you will become, all skills that will present you as a confident, sociable person, just the type that thousands out there are looking to meet.
Speed Dating in Edinburgh is, more often than not, fun and exciting, you might walk in nervous and unsure of yourself, but by the time you walk back out at the end of the night your mood will have changed completely and you'll be feeling upbeat and positive, even if there wasn't particularly anyone there to grab your attention. Make sure you think of some interesting questions before you go as this will act as a point of reference if you get an attack of nerves, also remember that they will be asking you questions too. It can be a good idea to practice with a friend beforehand to boost your confidence.
It's entirely up to you what type of questions you ask. You can ask general first meeting types of questions, such as 'Where do you work?' 'Do you have any children?', and throw in a few that show your sense of humour, 'Do you come here often', 'Have you got any good-looking friends', and so on. Don't be too flirty as they may get the wrong impression and you have to talk to at least another 20 people that evening!
Making an effort to look good by having your hair done, buying some new clothes for the occasion and wearing make-up will get you noticed and attract appreciative looks, thus boosting your confidence. Don't wear extremely low-cut tops, short skirts, or bodybuilder vests to show off your muscles however, that will just get you the wrong type of attention!
It's important to maintain
eye-contact when you are in a 1-to-1 situation. This doesn't mean you have to stare at the poor guy (or girl) until they feel uncomfortable, just enough for them to feel you are interested in what they are saying and actually listening to them. Always give an air of confidence when you speed date, even if you are feeling really nervous. Confident people are popular and you'll make the other person feel more at ease as they are probably just as nervous as you are, and in time you will be this confident person!
The main thing to remember when you decide to go
Speed Dating Edinburgh is that everyone is there for the same reasons. They are just as likely to be nervous or a little scared as you are, so put on a brave, confident face and a winning smile and have a good time.
by: Michiel Van Kets
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