Things To Look Out For While Buying Second Hand Engines

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Buying a second hand engine is not a childs play; a ton of things can go horribly wrong as engine alone makes up for 60% of whole cars components. This complexity further aggravates if engine has a turbo unit as well. Though getting a second hand motor might seem like a quick fix to recurring engine problems but it can easily turn into a nightmare if newly installed unit brings its own set of problems. Follow these small pointers to get a somewhat reliable used engine:
Looks do matter
Whether you are buying from a wrecker or a dealer, keep in mind that sellers usually clean their engines before sale. Lookout for a dirty, greased unit and also be weary of immaculately cleaned engine. Both signal that engine hasnt been properly maintained and looked after. Go with the engine having stickers or company markings along with original serial number, at least on gearbox.
Look underneath the cap
Oil cap holds many secrets, remove it and inspect interior of engine, use flash light or pencil torch. Dont miss this opportunity to examine the unit. Pay close attention to color of oil, even traces of yellow or white color indicate possible leakage of coolant into engine chamber. In case of such an issue, stay clear of this particular unit.
Replace engine belt or timing belt
If you are buying second hand engine from a dealer then no matter what the dealer or sales rep says, just get a new timing belt for your engine. Its better to play safe with 2nd hand machines.
Minor aesthetic issues
No one buys engine for its looks, we buy it for performance, so ignore scratches.
Oil leakages
Best way to uncover a dented head gasket is looking for signs of dirt between head and engine block, since dirt gets attracted by oil. Such leakages can invite costly repairs in near future.
Checking water pump
No matter the condition of engine, get a new radiator with second hand engine, again just to be on safe side. But do look out for residue of yellow or white color on water pump; it indicates leakage so get a new pump as well.
Finally, be very careful during this whole process, both dealers and ordinary wreckers tend to remove parts like water pump and sell them for better prices. Proactive and street smartness are keys to success in second hand engine shopping.
by: Anthony Rogers
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