How to Reverse a Breakup in Five Effective Steps

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If you want to be successful in your efforts to reverse a break up, you have to learn to control your emotions, and fight many of the impulsive thoughts that are probably going through your mind. If you act impulsively, you're going to make mistakes that might just cause your relationship to be over permanently.
To reverse a break up, you often have to do the exact opposite of what you might be feeling and doing. For example, if you've been repeatedly contacting your ex, and constantly trying to find ways to keep them in your life, you're making a mistake.
Instead, you should devise a plan that will make them feel as though it's you that have dumped THEM. Although this might seem impossible, it's not... you just need to make a few simple changes, which very well might make your ex regret their decision to break up in the first place.
The first thing you want to do is to stop contacting your ex. Stop trying to seek them out, and if you do end up talking to them, keep things very upbeat and positive, such as thanking them for the time you spent together, or agreeing that the break up was probably the best decision. This might be difficult to do, but it's very important.
Second, you need to make an effort to move on with your life. Sitting around feeling sorry for yourself and missing your ex is not going to help you reverse a break up.
Third, get out and have some fun. Spend some time with your friends, and participate in some of the activities that you enjoy. Again, this might be hard to do, but you need your ex to see that you don't need them in order to be happy.
Fourth, spread the word around that you are enjoying being single. Make sure everybody can see that you are having fun getting out with friends, and that you are enjoying the single life. The word will get back to your ex that you are doing well, and that it doesn't seem like you are missing them at all.
Finally, when your ex stops to think about how happy you seem, they will start to wonder what has led to this change in your emotions. They might even start to think that you have met somebody else, and that you no longer care about them.
Once you complete these steps, your ex is going to get to the point where they want to make contact with you again. Once this happens, your efforts to reverse a break up will really pay off, and it's extremely likely that you will be able to get back together again.
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