Trying to Find Contact Details Online

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Trying to Find Contact Details Online
Some tips and tricks to use when looking up people online. One of the first techniques to try is entering the person's name into the search box of your browser. This method proves very effective if the person is someone of notoriety or fame. Moreover, there are a number of sites devoted to assisting you in looking up people online but, a note of caution, some may charge a fee without providing you with information, and will try to induce you to you upgrade to a more expensive service.
Social networking sites are another avenue to explore. These sites usually have a box specifically set up for the purpose of looking up people online, more specifically, people who maybe users of that site. Because of cross-referencing, searches using maiden names, married names, and mis-spelled names, will still return a result in most cases. Some genealogy sites can be of tremendous help in your people search, especially if you have only a maiden name, or married name. Additionally, if you can provide a city and/or a state, these sites usually have the ability to cross-reference the names, and will often provide a list of relevant information from which to choose.
Internet directories are an additional source that can be of assistance in your online people search. These sites work very much like the familiar paper directories most of us use. You would simply enter the name of the person you are searching for, add a city, if you have that information, and/or a state, and click the search button. A list of results will appear, and you can choose the closest match. You may need to try various avenues, or combinations, in order to find the person you are looking for.
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