How to Get Back With Your Ex - Don't Lose Your Dignity Or You Will Lose Your Ex Forever!

Share: Author: Adam Jackson
Author: Adam Jackson

Share: When two individual ego states are compatible, relationships work smoothly. The moment there is a mismatch - trouble starts which eventually leads to a breakup. To
get back with your ex, one of the things that you need to be prepared for is some amount of ego bashing. For example, you might have to admit to a series of inadequacies which caused the break up and so on. However, to
get back with your ex, need not always be a self-demeaning exercise. You could still win back your ex without losing your dignity and sense of self esteem, provided you are careful right from the beginning. Here is some food for thought: At the first instance, agree to the split, without raising any storm or your temper about the impending breakup. To get back with your ex with dignity, this is the first step. Sorry, if you think that begging or pleading with your ex is sure sign of the love that you feel for the person. On the contrary your submissive and weak attitude is completely misunderstood. As you beg and plead, you are perceived to be a clingy individual who lacks self confidence and is looking for a prop to lean on. Since such impressions remain etched on the mind, it is better to refrain from such emotional outbursts if you want to ever get back with your ex. Keep your emotions after the breakup under check at all times. Even if you bump into your ex sometime later, never show your anger, resentment, sadness or grief at the loss of love. Pretend as hard as you can, to show that life is just fine without your ex and you are content with what you have. While you retain your sense of self esteem this way, you are also telling your ex where he or she gets off. Strange but true - this triggers the desire in your ex to get back and your mission to
get back with your ex is complete. Fighting or getting in to a mud-slinging game with your ex is perhaps one of the worst demeaning exercises that you can get involved in. Neither does it help you to prove a point nor do you get back with your ex. Even if you do, your murkier side is already exposed and memories of rude words or actions can never be removed completely. So be careful about what you say and do before, during and after the breakup. It can make or break your chances to get back with your ex. About the Author:
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How to Get Back With Your Ex - Don't Lose Your Dignity Or You Will Lose Your Ex Forever!