A Secret for Success: Give & You Will Receive

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Author: Matthew Toone
The very concept of giving to receive is counterintuitive to our normal thought process, because if and when we do give it is usually after we have received. And yet ironically, many who have achieved great successes have long been aware of the fact that giving before receiving is perhaps more important than receiving and then giving. If a person is unwilling to give unless and until they have received, then most often what happens is a mentality and habit is created that actually makes giving after one has received much more difficult. The majority of those who have become successful in life have given however little it may have been initially before they received, and certainly after. Not coincidentally, they all unanimously agree that in random ways and times they have, as a result, received far more than they ever gave! It is undoubtedly a strange principle, but nevertheless true. From both a personal charitable perspective as well as even from a business point of view, the reality is that the more one unselfishly gives of their time and resources, the more they will obtain, receive back, and accomplish. So what is your goal or dream in life? What success or attribute do you want to accomplish? Perhaps for some it is to obtain great wealth and achieve financial independence? If so, are you willing to put in the work necessary to obtain that wealth and then freely give of it to help others less fortunate? Is your goal, for example, to develop a great talent or achieve a dream? Are you willing to help others along the journey in pursuit of that goal, and to give back long before and after the goal is realized? If not, in my opinion, you may obtain your goal but fail in your objective; and coincidentally, not experience the true joy and reward that money, time freedom, talents developed, knowledge obtained, and dreams realized can bring. Never forget that disappointment can accompany our greatest accomplishments if those accomplishments were not sought for with the right intentions, and the rewards, money, talents, knowledge, or resources were not shared with or given to others along the journey and after the goal was realized. To fully understand and benefit from the principle of give and you will receive, one must realize that there are two approaches to accomplishing this goal and both are extremely important to understand and implement. Although the two approaches are different in objective, the concept of both approaches is perfectly summarized by Zig Ziglar who once said that you can have everything in life that you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want. Thus, in order to receive, one must give and the way to give can be approached using one of these two methods: 1)Charitable Giving: This approach is the most common form of giving, and essentially entails one who gives unselfishly and willingly in a desire to help another individual. Charitably giving is obviously the purest and greatest form of giving because the giver does so with no thought of recognition or reward. And yet ironically, the giver in some random way and at some point will always receive more than they ever gave. 2) Force the Hand: The approach of forcing the hand simply entails one who gives and helps others in order to obtain what they want or need. For example, in business situations, people often have every incentive to pass on referrals, team up in a joint venture, or increase the sales or profit for someone with the intent of helping the other person. They willingly give and help because they know that in return their business will benefit and success will result. This approach is often perceived as selfish in nature, unethical, and avoided by those ignorant of what is required to obtain success. Nothing could be further than the truth because those who have accomplished great successes in business and in their own personal life realize that this approach is not only necessary, but if done with morals, values, and unselfish intentions great rewards always result. Giving initiates receiving, and receiving requires giving! I personally believe that the majority of people completely understand and agree with this principle of give and you will receive. However, what this same majority of people often fail to realize is that they only understand and practice this principle from a strictly spiritual perspective. The reality is that this same principle applies to all of our goals, dreams, and successes in life it is a principle with just as much temporal application and ramifications as it is one of a spiritual nature. Thus, the word give has many connotations outside of the concept of service thus, giving should also entail our time, money, knowledge, talents, resources, ideas, feelings, possessions, food, beliefs, and even our eventual successes. But never forget that as well intentioned as you may be when you think and say that you will give when you receive, the real challenge and reward comes when we give even before we have received. And if our giving does actually happen before, during, and after our receiving, then our receiving will always exceed what we gave.About the Author:
Matt is the founder of
http://www.awakeyourpotential.com/ a website focused on inspiring people to achieve their goals and dreams, live up to their full potential, and learn the secrets for success in anything. As a successful entrepreneur, Matt recently accomplished one of his dreams to write a book! His book is entitled: Great Games! 175 Games & Activities for Families, Groups, & Children. To view the book and learn more, visit:
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