There are a lot of ways on how to coceive a boy. They may be natural or scientific. There are those too that are dangerous to the health of the mother. But let's not arrive to the point where we risk ourselves in order to have a boy. A lot of couples have been using the natural methods to conceive a boy. What are the ways to conceive a boy?
There are two kinds of chromosomes. These are the Y and the X chromosomes. The X or the female chromosomes are bigger, slow and strong. Their ability to resist the acidic environment of the vagina allows the couples to conceive a girl. This also gives better chances for the girl chromosome to fertilize with the egg cell first. Also, the ovum attracts the female chromosome if the environment proves to be acidic. These conditions produce a female child. Share: The X chromosomes or the male chromosomes are robust, small, yet dies quickly. When the vaginal environment is too acidic, the male sperms die quickly. To provide more favor to the male sperms, a basic environment should be considered. How can this be possible? There are two ways to do so. One of it is by having an orgasm. Orgasm in women makes the pH levels in the vagina to be basic. This will help the male sperms to reach the egg cell and fertilize it first. Another way to increase the pH levels is by eating more alkaline foods. This can make the vaginal environment more favorable to the male sperms.
An ovulation calendar as an interactive tool let the couple know the odds in conceiving a boy. There are three ways to know the ovulation period in women. These are by checking the cervical mucus, determining the basal body temperature and though the use of the ovulation kits. When the ovulation period is determined, sexual intercourse will be 24 hours before ovulation when trying to have a boy.
Sexual positions can also be helpful for the couples to have a boy. It is explained that deeper penetration can make the male sperms to be deposited near the cervix. This can also make the male sperms to avoid the acidic environment of the vagina. Also, this makes a lot of sperms to be saved from leak and not waste them at all.