Many couples leave it to fate or the Law of Biology on how to conceive a boy. Many couples especially the Westerners earnestly seek solutions in which they can select the gender of the baby that they want. This is true for couples who try to have a balance on things or that they want to have at least two children with a boy and a girl. Even for the Chinese couple where male plays an important role in their family. Gender is based on the combination of the two chromosomes produced by the parent during sexual intercourse. Gender selection program is an old fashion belief where old folks before refer to the astronomical positions. As the year's progressed scientific methods were developed to help couples achieved their dream of having the gender of their choice.
One of the myths which were discovered 700 years ago is the Chinese birth chart. Accordingly, the chart has list of which can provide details when to conceive a boy or a girl. The said calendar is said to be proven effective. Share: Another myth is that by determining the size of the breast and resting side. The myth says that if the left breast is larger than the right chances were a girl. If the right breast is larger than the left odds were a boy. Also if the woman is comfortable in resting in the left side the odds was boy. On the other hand, if it's on the right side odds were if would be a girl. However this type of myth is not proven. The size or the resting position does not affect the gender of the baby that you are trying to conceive.
Other women believe that the age of conception could affect the gender of the baby. The age of the woman will alter the pH levels and the environment in which gives more favor to the chromosome. The Chinese calendar even uses the mother in determining the sex of the child. Age plays a factor when the couple plans to have a child. This is because age affects the sperm count that a male produces. However such claims were not proven scientifically.
Such myths could just leave you into hopelessness. Natural ways were now introduced so that couples will not find a hard time in conceiving the gender of their choice. To know more visit how to conceive a boy review for information in gender selection.