How a Lie Can Defeat Your Injury Claim

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How a Lie Can Defeat Your Injury Claim
One of my passions is to make sure that victims know how to get the most of their injury claims after they are hurt in a car accident. I am sick and tired of big insurance companies preventing people from getting the treatment they need and putting a family in debt or bankruptcy because they can't afford their medical bills. If something I write can get just one person help to pay their medical bills, I can sleep better at night. But, here is one thing that won't get you help to pay medical bills: lying about your injuries.It is true that if you are hurt in a car accident medical bills can be very expensive. The insurance adjuster will always try to settle for the lowest amount possible, which often times isn't enough to cover all of your medical bills. But, claiming you have worse injuries than you actually do can only hurt your case , preventing you from getting help to pay medical bills and possibly leaving you in debt after you have to foot the bill yourself.Here is why: The job of an insurance adjuster is to figure out how to avoid paying for your medical expenses. That ranges from everything between using the latest statistical computer software to determine the worth of your claim to looking at your Facebook. You'd be kidding yourself if you didn't think that the insurance company would triple check everything to find a way to justify not paying for your medical bills!Because I fight the insurance company all the time, I know how far they will go to avoid paying for your car accident injury claim. In my experience, the worst idea is to lie to the insurance adjuster. As a matter of fact, you should never tell the insurance adjuster anything before you speak to a car accident attorney. You are not required by law to tell the insurance adjuster anything more about your case than simply referring them to the police report. In order to get the most from your car accident injury claim, you should speak with an injury lawyer first before you talk to or tell the insurance adjuster anything to avoid making any mistakes.
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