How To Plan A Membership Site: 5 Crucial Factors To Plan Out When Setting Up A Membership Site

Share: There is a lot of planning to do when you want to set up a membership site; but if
you take the time to do it step-by-step, you can get the site up and running in no time at all.
There are 5 things you should plan out first when you want to set up a membership site. By putting these things in place before putting up the site, you will be more focused and have less confusion to deal with as you put your plans into action.
1. Membership Site Script
There is a variety of membership site scripts available, and depending on your web design skills, you can choose a very simple membership script or a complex one.
If you are looking for something easy to handle, you can set up a membership site using a simple WordPress script. This is an easy way to get one up fast; and for people that are not computer savvy or don't want to waste their time setting up a complicated membership site, this is an ideal solution.
A WordPress membership site is simple to use for both the members and the administrator, and if this is your first membership site you may want to start off with an easy script. If you want a more comprehensive membership site with more features, you can use an advanced system like Memberspeed.
In any case, you can always outsource the project to a web designer and have it built according to your specifications. Once it has been put together, you can easily manage it and add new content.
2. Method For Delivery
You will need to decide how you are going to deliver your products and content to your members, and how often. Many marketers offer any new products in a member restricted area. A password is needed to get into this area and the members have paid for it.
You may want to have a system set up where you e-mail your members whenever a new product has been added to the members area. You may also want to e-mail small gifts to your members from time to time as a sign of goodwill. This will also remind members to visit your site if they have been too busy to do so lately.
3. Content
You should have planned out where you're going to get your content before starting a membership site, so that you are not scrambling at the last minute every time you need to add more. Having a plan in place will ensure that content is put on your site in a timely fashion on a regular basis.
Of course, you should have your site set up with spectacular content right at the beginning so that when the members first join, they have no reason to ever consider leaving. You should make this a priority when you are first setting up any kind of membership site.
4. Method For Customer Satisfaction
A happy customer is a paying customer. You know that you have to over-deliver, but to get your customers to stay you should even go past that point. Bonuses and gifts will play a large part in keeping your members happy, and should be offered freely as part of your regular membership routine.
Make a plan for extra bonuses when you are starting your site. You should have at least 3 months of gifts planned out, and a few bonuses to give your members when they first join. It is important to really impress your new customers as soon as they join so they remain loyal customers for many years.
5. Payment Processor
You will need to get some kind of payment processor to accept payments for your membership. The most common processor is PayPal because it is offered in so many countries. You should also have another method of payment to offer people that don't have access to PayPal.
It is a good idea to have a processor that can accept credit card payments without having to go through PayPal. There are a lot of different processors available, and the best one will depend on where you live, and what terms and conditions are set up for your area. You should take a look at a few different processors and see what kind of commission basis or monthly payments are required.
A membership site should be well planned ahead of time. If you list the steps you need to take, you will have an easy guideline to follow and can make any modifications to it as you go along. Dont just throw together a site without careful planning because it will be evident and look unprofessional.
Take some extra time to set up your site properly, and you will be able to enjoy the residual income that follows for possibly years to come. A planned membership site will do much better than one that is unfocused and scattered, and your members will appreciate it and stay with you for many years to come.
by: Jeremy Gislason
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How To Plan A Membership Site: 5 Crucial Factors To Plan Out When Setting Up A Membership Site Campo Grande